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  1. C

    Day 3-5

    Can't believe what a blur this trip has been. It's my first vacation without family so I did a lot of planning to make sure I wasn't ever bored, but it is hard to be bored here and I've probably been trying to do too much. Most days start at Moshu Treehouse for coffee, followed by taking an...
  2. C

    Day 1-2

    We ate at Sottovoce again yesterday and walked Recoleta. That restaurant is fantastic, great food and we took our sweet time and enjoyed the atmosphere which is half the appeal there. A great experience and not expensive at all. I think lunch with wine and tip was about $50. Can't thank you...
  3. C

    Day 1-2

    The US Youth Orchestra was very easy to find tickets, I doubt the theater was even 60% full. I booked the day before and could have sat front row, or any other row for that matter. But it was an afternoon event so maybe those aren't too popular.
  4. C

    Day 1-2

    I will definitely visit this Sunday!
  5. C

    Day 1-2

    Heading to Iguazu tomorrow!
  6. C

    Day 1-2

    Yes my friend and I joined Always in Soho, mostly because it's across from Moshu Treehouse where I've been going for coffee in the mornings (really great place that my local friend turned me onto). Always is ARS 25,000 for 15 days, which is about what a day pass costs at most US gyms. Not...
  7. C

    Day 1-2

    Thanks, more for the list! We ate at El Preferido on Friday night. Last night was La Carniceria. Good thing I'm biking and walking and playing tennis every day!
  8. C

    Day 1-2

    La Carniceria, jeez the name says it all doesn't it? Looking at the bill this morning it was much closer to $225 or $250 (three people), guess I struggle with math after that much wine. I normally hate wasting food and eating too much makes me feel ill, but last night was all giggles. Steak...
  9. C

    Day 1-2

    Thanks and great name! I was born & raised in Calgary, now living in Austin and my family all moved to Kelowna, BC over the years.
  10. C

    Day 1-2

    Thanks! It sure helps having a friend here, but also I kept a Word file of all the recommendations on this forum and that is keeping me busy! The US Youth Orchestra was a paid event. I wanted to see a live orchestra at Teatro Colon and that was the only one on the calendar, the rest were...
  11. C

    Day 1-2

    What a great forum, so much great feedback and helpful suggestions. Thank you all!! Tonight we had our first really big meal we ordered so much wine and beer and food, holy bananas. I have never left so much on the table and the bill with tip was about $300. I know that sounds like an...
  12. C

    Day 1-2

    That's awesome Mike, glad your kids like tennis. Wish I had kept it up when I was their age. I sincerely appreciate all the advice from you and everyone on this forum, it has already made a big difference in the trip. I'm meeting several more of your contacts next week and looking forward to it!
  13. C

    Day 1-2

    No doubt about the bikes, they're not the best but I'm just trying to get around and so far every bike has been adequate. Not having to worry about it is the main thing.
  14. C

    Day 1-2

    I very much like your country! Really wish I spoke Spanish because the people are so friendly and so keen to help but language is a major barrier.
  15. C

    Day 1-2

    Thanks Vince! Recoleta is really wonderful. If I spent a lot of time here that's for sure where I would live. We had a great steak the other night in Palermo, can't remember the name but it was very inexpensive. Tonight we are headed to La Carniceria. I also had a quick lunch at Sotto Voce...
  16. C

    Day 1-2

    Thanks Betsy! Lessons are $20-30/hr including court which is very cheap. There's a Whatsapp group for tennis in BA (mostly English) where you can find coaches and people to play. This is the massage place https://www.instagram.com/estetica.jyn/, it's right on Santa Fe near Plaza Italia. I...
  17. C

    Day 1-2

    Great first couple of days in BA. A friend of mine now lives here and took me to some good spots for coffee and food. Took a couple of tennis lessons which was great (I don't play much tennis but figured it was something different I'd do here especially with all the red clay courts). That...
  18. C

    La Plata - underrated city - 40kms / 25 miles from BA

    Perhaps but all that land and a pool. It costs $80-100k to build a pool in Austin these days.
  19. C

    La Plata - underrated city - 40kms / 25 miles from BA

    Good lord that is cheap, hard to believe
  20. C

    Politics Garbage Accumulation in Buenos Aires

    They do and they've all had garbage strikes. It always looks terrible but the smell wasn't that much worse than normal. I've lived all over the place, early morning runs in big cities before the garbage gets picked up are always a peach.