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  1. C

    Politics Garbage Accumulation in Buenos Aires

    Gosh I wouldn't let that deter you. Big cities smell no matter where in the world. I'm headed to Buenos Aires next week and can't wait.
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    Economy Morgan Stanley Predicts 2025 Inflation rate in Argentina will be 31%

    Indeed, economic forecasts are always grain-of-salt but predicting inflation in Argentina a year from now is kind of comical.
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    BA bike guide

    If it's anything like NYC they're decent enough to go on hour long rides around the city. If you get a bad one just swap it at the next station, they're pretty much everywhere which also makes theft a non-issue because you park them at stations where they're locked up and no longer your...
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    BA bike guide

    That is unfortunate but also fairly common in large cities everywhere. I'm leaning heavily towards city bikes, so convenient and you never have to worry about them.
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    Time Magazine - 100 Extraordinary Places to visit in the world include 2 places in Argentina

    Someone told me about Ibera but they're the type that loves to recommend things no one else does (usually for a reason). I looked it up and the whole place basically burned a few years ago, tons of animals died. Also looks like you need a guide to experience the best parts otherwise it's just...
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    Newcomer Two-day side trip in August - Mendoza or Bariloche?

    Wonderful, thank you Betsy! This is shaping up to be fantastic first visit to Argentina.
  7. C

    Building HOA expenses in Buenos Aires rose 88% from January to June 2024

    That's good perspective, even if half of the 24 owners were late it would just mean your HOA goes to $200 a month for awhile and you'd get it all back eventually. Not ideal but not the end of the world.
  8. C

    Building HOA expenses in Buenos Aires rose 88% from January to June 2024

    So how does this non payment problem get resolved? In the US unpaid HOAs eventually lead to liens and foreclosures and en masse it can create a lot of distressed sellers. But that is also when the government steps in, at least it has over the last 20 or 30 years because no administration has...
  9. C

    Visas How complicated is it to obtain residency in Argentina?

    Thanks. We have good passports in our family already but I wondered if there might be other benefits.
  10. C

    Visas How complicated is it to obtain residency in Argentina?

    Very interesting reading on this thread. Silly question from a newbie but what are the advantages of Argentine citizenship, besides a good passport?
  11. C

    Newcomer Two-day side trip in August - Mendoza or Bariloche?

    That is the plan! We don't have a ton of time but plan on staying on our feet for most of the trip.
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    Newcomer Two-day side trip in August - Mendoza or Bariloche?

  13. C

    Newcomer Two-day side trip in August - Mendoza or Bariloche?

    More great advice, thank you so much. My friend took a helicopter tour as well for $150pp which is quite cheap for something like that. He said it was fantastic. Not to beat a dead horse but it really highlights the silly prices of those BA bike tours - $300 for a helicopter tour vs $300 on...
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    Newcomer Two-day side trip in August - Mendoza or Bariloche?

    My friend returned from Argentina with his family this week and agreed with all of you that Iguazu is a must-see. He's been to Niagara and Victoria and thought Iguazu was a much better experience. So I guess that's where we're headed for the side trip! Thanks everyone for your thoughts and...
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    BA bike guide

    Good lord that is a terrible story, and all too common.
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    BA bike guide

    That's awful. But I like to remind myself that drunk drivers, angry drivers, young drivers, distracted... none of this is new. What is new is so many people biking on streets (used to be kids on sidewalks mostly) and drivers with cell phones. It's wonderful that people are getting out on bikes...
  17. C

    BA bike guide

    It's very different from state to state. West coast is the most bike friendly but it often makes cyclists arrogant and entitled, they yell at drivers and I find them embarrassing. It's a lot easier and safer to keep your head on a swivel and assume that drivers can't see you.
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    BA bike guide

    Ha! It's actually no different here in Texas. Best to assume nobody can see you and be responsible for your own safety.
  19. C

    BA bike guide

    Thanks I actually had trouble reading it, every sentence is followed by a large banner ad. Not sure if that's normal these days but it's very hard to focus.