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  1. sell1980

    Newcomer Is Buenos Aires safe?

    Went to Bangkok last year and loved my time there! Very hot and humid but you're correct Jakoval. We went from AC hotel to AC Grab to AC malls to eat. It was very hot touring the Grand Palace but it was worth it! It was the first time that I got a massage each day of my holiday. They were so...
  2. sell1980

    Newcomer Exchange Help!!

    I am back in BA. This time staying in Recoleta. Do any of you know any exchange houses that are open in Recoleta? I don't want to go all the way down to Florida street. Thanks.
  3. sell1980

    Argentina recession leaves once-bustling Buenos Aires restaurants hustling for customers

    We went on the weekend and there was still a long line if you go on Saturday or Sunday afternoon. But some advice. You can slip the girl at the front some money and she can get you ahead of the list. I went last weekend with an American friend and he didn't want to wait. He gave the girl in...
  4. sell1980

    Thank you Argentina on behalf of all Russians that moved here to Buenos Aires!

    Every Russian I have met has also been very kind. I met 3 Russians in Buenos Aires during my trip. We met up for dinner and they were so happy and thankful to be in Argentina. A shame about them having to leave their country but Russia's loss is Argentina's gain.
  5. sell1980

    Politics Elon Musk calls to invest in Argentina after meeting up with Milei in LA

    Mercado Libre is one of the companies that contributes the most capital to the Argentine economy, so good for them. Galperin is definitely a visionary. https://es.statista.com/estadisticas/1091012/mercadolibre-ingresos-pais/
  6. sell1980

    Politics Who attempted to take the life of the President of the Argentine Rural Society?

    Who could have sent a bomb package to the President of the Argentine Rural Society? The package exploded on his secretary’s desk, and thankfully, there were no serious injuries, but it could have been fatal.
  7. sell1980

    Economy Milei Sets Up Argentina Privatizations for Airline, YPF - Bloomberg News

    Looks like Banco Nación is going to be privatized, even though it wasn’t originally on the list of companies to be privatized according to the Law of Bases. The president announced it, and the workers aren’t happy because they feel it puts their jobs at risk. They also worry that privatization...
  8. sell1980

    Economy The Government wants the bus, train and subway to be paid with debit cards, credit cards and even with QR - Infobae

    The subway will also add new payment methods: mobile phones, credit cards, and debit cards. This measure will take effect before the end of the year. The SUBE card will still be valid. This is a positive initiative as it doesn’t limit us to just using the SUBE card, which can sometimes be...
  9. sell1980

    Politics Brain drain? Just like in 2001...

    If we want to become a powerhouse, like Javier Milei keeps saying, we need to start by properly funding our scientific system and continue with the policies that promote public-private collaboration for technological innovation in our national production. You’re right! These policies only...
  10. sell1980

    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    Sometimes we talk about figures, numbers, and statistics so coldly, but in reality, we’re talking about people. According to a UNICEF report (the United Nations Children’s Fund), Argentina is facing a food crisis, with one million children going to bed without dinner. Given how crucial good...
  11. sell1980

    Newcomer Exploring Argentina with Kids

    If you go to Mendoza, I highly recommend Potrerillos, it’s an absolutely breathtaking place. You can’t miss it! https://tn.com.ar/turismo/2024/08/14/todo-lo-que-se-puede-hacer-en-potrerillos-el-asombroso-paraiso-de-mendoza-en-el-medio-de-las-montanas/
  12. sell1980

    Newcomer Exploring Argentina with Kids

    I’ve visited Mendoza and Bariloche, and I loved both provinces, though I think I liked Mendoza a bit more. It’s a great place to explore with kids, you can do a lot of outdoor activities. I go there to relax whenever I can. As for living, I settled in San Isidro, and I have to say, I really love it.
  13. sell1980

    Economy MEP dollar and CCL rose strongly and the gap

    What's behind that big jump? The economic variables of this country surprise us every day. https://www-ambito-com.translate.goog/finanzas/dolar-mep-anota-quinta-suba-seguida-y-alcanza-mayor-valor-3-meses-n6001229?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  14. sell1980

    Newcomer How to flag down a genuine taxi

    In Buenos Aires, a non-legitimate taxi? I've been using taxis in Buenos Aires for years, and I always hail them from the street without any issues, even late at night.
  15. sell1980

    Newcomer Exchange Help!!

    Hello everyone, I'm seeking assistance in finding a currency exchange (cambio) that operates on Sundays. We'll be arriving in Argentina on a Sunday morning, and our hotel is located near Plaza de Mayo. Could anyone recommend a cambio in this vicinity that is open on Sundays? Alternatively...