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  1. Blockchain

    Real Estate Sales Another micro-neighborhood of Buenos Aires' Palermo - Palermo Freud

    I have not walked down this particular block but I did walk around the Alto Palermo shopping mall area. I liked it. They even have a big movie theatre where I saw a movie in English. I like how central the area is. Nothing is too far. I wouldn't want to be all the way down in Puerto Madero or...
  2. Blockchain

    Interested to move to Buenos Aires from the US. Is $5k enough to live on?

    $5k seems like a decent amount here but just keep in mind that it's not a first-world country. Parts of it seem like it is but other things are frustrating. My internet went out in my Airbnb and the company took a week to fix it! That would just never happen in the US. I heard that in the...
  3. Blockchain

    The Best & Worst Countries for Living Abroad (Expat survey)

    I would consider myself a digital nomad. I haven't been here long enough to be considered an expat. I guess the difference between the two is time? I have many friends that are digital nomads and not sure how long they will stay in a country but they say they are expats so maybe they are the...
  4. Blockchain

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    Very true. It seems like it would be very stressful to live here on a limited budget as things change so quickly here.
  5. Blockchain

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    I read here that the Finance Minister is saying the Peso will end the year at 1,061 for the official rate. Not sure where the blue rate will be. Do any of you expats here load up and buy a lot of pesos when it is over 1,400 to $1 uSD? And then try to see if the rate goes down? Or is this stupid?
  6. Blockchain

    Most interesting expat you have ever met ?

    Haven't met anyone too interesting. Met a few scumbag expats here. One we met up for dinner and he claimed to forget his wallet and was going to Venmo me half and never did.
  7. Blockchain

    Argentines are an angry society. Is it just me??

    I'm glad it's not just me. I don't mean any offense by this post. I like this city. I am leaving next week and sad. Yes I'm not saying it's everyone but probably a day doesn't go by when I don't hear some blow up between locals. Also my Spanish isn't good but I try. People here get frustrated...
  8. Blockchain

    Argentines are an angry society. Is it just me??

    So I'm a few weeks in my trip and something I noticed is a lot of Argentines are very angry people. I see and hear people fighting in the streets. In the supermarket I hear people yelling at cashiers. In restaurants I hear people arguing too. Same thing in some cafes. I have traveled around...
  9. Blockchain

    Brazil's Lula wants apology from Argentina's Milei

    Lula should mind his own business. Their exchange rate there is sinking. Wow I just visited Rio and that country is incredible! Fun city. The exchange rate makes it affordable...
  10. Blockchain

    Trump Demolished President Biden tonight on the Debates

    It wouldn't be easy at all unless Biden agreed to step down. Not sure if he will do that since he has said many times he believes he is the right man for the job. He is mentally gone so probably doesn't have any idea of his mental capacity. And people like his wife aren't advising him to quit...
  11. Blockchain

    Trump Demolished President Biden tonight on the Debates

    Agree. Not sure how his wife can allow this. CNN that hates Trump even admits it's over for Biden. It will be interesting to see what happens next week. I'm guessing maybe Newsom from California might be on the ticket.
  12. Blockchain

    Buenos Aires in ‘Parts Unknown’: Anthony Bourdain’s finest moment

    I loved his attitude and he always seemed so genuine and unscripted. I looked online but couldn't see it at all.
  13. Blockchain

    BA bike guide

    Noticed the same thing. Same thing in stores. Some stores have things so expensive that no one will buy it. But they don't lower the price at all. Wierd. No concept of moving stuff and making more money. At $300 for 3 people riding bikes 4 hours the only takers are sucker tourists. Locals aren't...
  14. Blockchain

    Is it weird you never hear about expats being robbed leaving Western Union

    I wondered the same thing! It's obvious the economy is so bad here but I wondered the same thing. Why don't people just stand outside and rob people? Seems like it would be too easy. Or outside the money exchange places. There is one in Soho where people are always smoking pot outside. I got...
  15. Blockchain

    Avianca inaugurated a new route between Medellin and Buenos Aires for you Colombia lovers

    Great! I was thinking of going for a visit. I heard that things were a bit tense there for gringos now but still may check it out. I am going to Rio de Janeiro next week to check out the scene there but Medellin is a fun city with great nightlife. I just looked at the prices for that flight...
  16. Blockchain

    In Order not to be Poor a family needs to earn more than 989,000 pesos

    Well it sounds like you need to be careful when moving abroad to make sure you will have enough savings to live. I saw a few posts about American homeless in Mexico begging for money. Ouch.
  17. Blockchain

    Wow I like Milei's Picks for Deputies for LLA party!

    One thing I like about Argentina is the females here don't seem to be so obsessed with botox and plastic surgery on their faces. Or at least they do less of it. It's shocking the # of girls even in their 20's in the US that are injecting so much botox they all look plastic and fake. Here I don't...
  18. Blockchain

    Homicide, robbery and petty theft on the rise in Greater Buenos Aires

    Wow Sunny what part of Recoleta was this in? I'm over here now and it is much quieter to me vs. Soho. I'm at Montevideo and Quintana and really nice neighborhood. I like this area much better than Palermo. I've only seen a few homeless here but they are quiet and polite. Just asking for some...
  19. Blockchain

    Newcomer Everything You Need to Know About the June 20th and 21st Holidays in Argentina 🩵🤍🩵

    Yes yesterday was also a holiday. Didn't know there were two more holidays this week. 3 in one week is a lot!