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  1. All the Answers

    Politics Javier Milei threatens to veto retirement mobility: what are the tools of Congress to prevent it - Infobae

    Javier Milei threatens to veto retirement mobility: what are the tools of Congress to prevent it - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/06/05/milei-amenza-con-vetar-la-movilidad-jubilatoria-y-la-oposicion-le-recuerda-el-poder-del-congreso/ June 05, 2024 The President...
  2. All the Answers

    Politics Deputies gave half-sanction to a new retirement mobility formula, but President Milei anticipated that he would veto it - Infobae

    Deputies gave half-sanction to a new retirement mobility formula, but President Milei anticipated that he would veto it - Infobae Source...
  3. All the Answers

    Politics Deputies rejected the elimination of privilege retirements - Infobae

    Deputies rejected the elimination of privilege retirements - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/06/05/diputados-rechazo-la-eliminacion-de-las-jubilaciones-de-privilegio/ June 05, 2024 Miguel Ángel Pichetto had requested that the article be deleted from the project...
  4. All the Answers

    Politics Milei confirmed the dismissal of 50 thousand more public employees: how the personnel cuts will continue in the State - Infobae

    Milei confirmed the dismissal of 50 thousand more public employees: how the personnel cuts will continue in the State - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/06/05/milei-confirmo-el-despido-de-50-mil-empleados-publicos-mas-como-seguiran-los-recortes-de-personal-en-el-estado/...
  5. All the Answers

    Economy Profits, Monotax, Personal Assets and money laundering: one by one, all the changes decided by the Senate - Infobae

    Profits, Monotax, Personal Assets and money laundering: one by one, all the changes decided by the Senate - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/05/31/ganancias-monotributo-bienes-personales-y-el-blanqueo-uno-por-uno-todos-los-cambios-que-decidio-el-senado/ May 31, 2024...
  6. All the Answers

    Economy How consumption reaches June: food prices that accelerate, demand that remains reduced and abandoned categories - Infobae

    How consumption reaches June: food prices that accelerate, demand that remains reduced and abandoned categories - Infobae Source...
  7. All the Answers

    Economy More advances in digital payments: all wallets must work with cards in all QR readers - Infobae

    More advances in digital payments: all wallets must work with cards in all QR readers - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/05/31/mas-avances-en-los-pagos-digitales-todas-las-billeteras-deberan-funcionar-con-tarjeta-en-todos-los-lectores-qr/ May 31, 2024 Following the...
  8. All the Answers

    Politics The Government will denounce Victoria Tolosa Paz for irregularities in the purchase of Yerba for $18 billion - Infobae

    The Government will denounce Victoria Tolosa Paz for irregularities in the purchase of Yerba for $18 billion - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/31/el-gobierno-denunciara-a-victoria-tolosa-paz-por-irregularidades-en-la-compra-de-yerba-por-18-mil-millones/ May 31, 2024...
  9. All the Answers

    Politics They displaced an official from Chaco who wanted to take official documentation and is now being investigated by Justice - Infobae

    They displaced an official from Chaco who wanted to take official documentation and is now being investigated by Justice - Infobae Source...
  10. All the Answers

    Politics The Government updated the salaries of the security and penitentiary forces - Infobae

    The Government updated the salaries of the security and penitentiary forces - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/31/el-gobierno-actualizo-los-sueldos-de-las-fuerzas-de-seguridad-y-penitenciarios/ May 31, 2024 The salaries established as of June 1st apply to personnel...
  11. All the Answers

    Politics The food crisis that ended with the expulsion of Pablo de la Torre: suspicions and the urgency to distribute milk about to expire - Infobae

    The food crisis that ended with the expulsion of Pablo de la Torre: suspicions and the urgency to distribute milk about to expire - Infobae Source...
  12. All the Answers

    Politics The Government will distribute with the Army more than a thousand tons of powdered milk that is two months from expiration - Infobae

    The Government will distribute with the Army more than a thousand tons of powdered milk that is two months from expiration - Infobae Source...
  13. All the Answers

    Politics Pablo De la Torre was fired from the Ministry of Human Capital, in the midst of the controversy over the delivery of food - Infobae

    Pablo De la Torre was fired from the Ministry of Human Capital, in the midst of the controversy over the delivery of food - Infobae Source...
  14. All the Answers

    Politics In the United States, Javier Milei spoke to Silicon Valley businessmen: he talked about deregulation and artificial intelligence - Infobae

    In the United States, Javier Milei spoke to Silicon Valley businessmen: he talked about deregulation and artificial intelligence - Infobae Source...
  15. All the Answers

    Politics After delays due to the protest on the trains, there will be a stoppage in the service on June 4 - Infobae

    After delays due to the protest on the trains, there will be a stoppage in the service on June 4 - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/30/tras-las-demoras-por-la-protesta-en-los-trenes-habra-un-paro-en-el-servicio-el-4-de-junio/ May 30, 2024 The Fraternity anticipated...
  16. All the Answers

    Politics A 48-hour union blockade could affect food distribution throughout the country - Infobae

    A 48-hour union blockade could affect food distribution throughout the country - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/30/un-bloqueo-sindical-de-48-horas-podria-afectar-la-distribucion-de-alimentos-en-todo-el-pais/ May 30, 2024 The measure was initiated this morning by...
  17. All the Answers

    Politics Javier Milei will meet with Mark Zuckerberg to propose Argentina as a pole of technological innovation - Infobae

    Javier Milei will meet with Mark Zuckerberg to propose Argentina as a pole of technological innovation - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/30/javier-milei-se-reunira-con-mark-zuckerberg-para-proponer-a-la-argentina-como-polo-de-innovacion-tecnologico/ The President...
  18. All the Answers

    Politics Delays, cancellations and thousands of passengers affected by the force measure carried out by La Fraternidad - Infobae

    Delays, cancellations and thousands of passengers affected by the force measure carried out by La Fraternidad: the trains circulate at 30 kilometers per hour - Infobae Source...
  19. All the Answers

    Politics The Government will explain before the Federal Chamber the reasons why it does not distribute 5 thousand tons of food - Infobae

    The Government will explain before the Federal Chamber the reasons why it does not distribute 5 thousand tons of food - Infobae Source...
  20. All the Answers

    Politics Justice detected trout invoices for $25 million: the evidence that complicates Eduardo Belliboni - Infobae

    Justice detected trout invoices for $25 million: the evidence that complicates Eduardo Belliboni - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/30/la-justicia-detecto-facturas-truchas-por-25-millones-los-pruebas-que-complican-a-eduardo-belliboni/ May 30, 2024 They were issued...