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  1. Oatmeal

    Expat / Nomad Life in BA

    I'm curious on how things will turn out for me and my GF, I'm optimistic and we both are ready and looking for a change. 4 years in CO and we are plenty ready for something different. We look forwarded to enjoying what the city has to offer. We look forward to all the international restaurants...
  2. Oatmeal

    Expat / Nomad Life in BA

    I think many agree, your story is quite interesting. Wishing you the best and looking forward to the autobiography once it is finish. Thanks for the links, amazing story on how things turned out with your wife and how you ended up in Argentina. Funny how things turn out. I'm very much looking...
  3. Oatmeal

    Expat / Nomad Life in BA

    Ha maybe it was you! Super impressed with the work you are doing BTW. Serious, you are on another level! Sidenote I bookmarked a few Korean restaurants. I welcome any suggestions. Have a great day!
  4. Oatmeal

    Expat / Nomad Life in BA

    OMG. When you said "13.5 years on www.BAExpats.org" I finally checked the site. It seems oddly familiar but for me back in 2006-2008 I remember searching about Argentina and what life would be like there. At that time this was not attainable for me but it was a nice dream to live in Argentina. I...
  5. Oatmeal

    Expat / Nomad Life in BA

    Hey earlyretirement! I found this site from a post on reddit. I was searching 'buying a home in Argentina' and found a really nice comment and this was how I found this place. You are correct about Colombia, I currently reside in Medellin. However, objectively it is really hard to trust people...
  6. Oatmeal

    Expat / Nomad Life in BA

    Hello all. I wanted to introduce myself as I am a new forum member. Browsing on my phone last night I found this site, immediately bookmark for this morning to create an account. I am not sure if I am an expat or a nomad (mix of both), however I might fall in the category of geographical...
  7. Oatmeal

    Real Estate Sales Need Real Estate Agent Recommendation

    The website you shared is too good! Really appreciate it. Now I have a lot of reading I need to do.
  8. Oatmeal

    Trip Reports Watch our YouTube Channel - "Buenos Aires as a Tourist" which is a great collection of Videos to Watch if you're coming to Buenos Aires

    Will do, We are 3 weeks from traveling. This is really an exploratory trip to see if BA is a place for us. I am sure I will have plenty of new experiences in Barrio Chino and will share for sure!
  9. Oatmeal

    Real Estate Sales Need Real Estate Agent Recommendation

    Thank you for this. I will continue to research and keep up on this site and the link you shared.
  10. Oatmeal

    Real Estate Sales Need Real Estate Agent Recommendation

    Slightly off tangent to the discussion. What is the process of actually paying for the property? I read it is all in Cash but what are the methods to brining the money into the country? Alternatively have there been situations or is it even common that the seller has a USD bank account in the US...
  11. Oatmeal

    Trip Reports Watch our YouTube Channel - "Buenos Aires as a Tourist" which is a great collection of Videos to Watch if you're coming to Buenos Aires

    Thank you for sharing. I've seen some of her videos before and found them very informative. I have been watching BA/Argentina related YT videos for a little while now. I found one about Dim Sum in Barrio Chino which I quite enjoyed. My first trip to BA is very soon so I have been researching...