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  1. CecilM

    Economy The 'Chachos' are already circulating in La Rioja - does issuing a new currency serve any purpose?

    They had to resort to this measure because the National government didn't send the necessary funds to the province. Combined with the devaluation, budget cuts, and the deep crisis affecting all provinces, at least they are trying something. I hope this turns out favorable for the people of that...
  2. CecilM

    I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right.

    The government laid off 300 interns from Conicet, and I don't understand why they cut funding in the scientific sector instead of other areas with many more employees. I imagine there are more unnecessary positions in those areas than at Conicet...
  3. CecilM

    Newcomer What are some good movies to watch on Netflix to learn Spanish and watch some of the local culture that feature Buenos Aires?

    Yesterday, I watched the movie "Goyo" on Netflix, and I loved it. It has a bit of everything, but it mainly focuses on inclusion and how love is approached from a different perspective. I highly recommend it...
  4. CecilM

    Politics Another bus strike today?

    Today, people were caught off guard by an unexpected bus strike. Apparently, it's due to delays in salary payments for some lines. Many buses aren't running, and the chaos is noticeable. I saw it on the news, but a lot of people were in a great mood because of Argentina's win last night...
  5. CecilM

    Politics ARC Energy Makes First Bid to Acquire Impsa: What Does It Mean for Argentina?

    I think it's bad for the country. The acquisition of Impsa by an American company means privatizing another key part of our energy sector, which should remain under national control. We’re handing over a crucial company to foreign investors, risking our autonomy and economic stability. I'm not...
  6. CecilM

    The government announced a project to lower the age of criminal responsibility to 13 years

    This might be a significant step forward in enhancing security. I don't usually agree with the measures this government is taking, but I believe this could be a major advancement in reducing insecurity...
  7. CecilM

    Argentina’s ‘Milei Miracle’ is exposing its failing socialist neighbors

    New layoffs, this time with incidents... people are desperate to keep their jobs. This happened this morning.
  8. CecilM

    Newcomer Where can I find the best deals on clothing and accesories?

    I've found good deals at Distrito Los Arcos. You can check out their Instagram to see when they have promotions and discounts. The clothing there is top quality. https://www.distritoarcos.com/ https://www.instagram.com/distritoarcos/?hl=es
  9. CecilM

    Newcomer Where can I find the best deals on clothing and accesories?

    I've seen those videos comparing prices, I definitely have to go to Flores.
  10. CecilM

    Economy Crisis in Construction: Massive Layoffs and Company Closures, Demanding Solutions Now

    Yeah, I just read the same thing. It seems like construction is having a massive impact on the overall economy of the country. It's contributed to the economic growth plummeting, but I hope it rebounds soon so that things can start improving...
  11. CecilM

    I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right.

    Did I ever defend Cristina? On the contrary, there was obviously a lot of corruption and mismanagement during her administration. But that doesn’t automatically make me a fan of Milei. The problem with fanatics is that, in their minds, if you criticize Milei in any way, then you must be a fan of...
  12. CecilM

    I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right.

    It’s concerning to see $200,000 spent on a three-day trip while our country is facing serious economic challenges. Although I understand the importance of international meetings and conferences, it’s hard to justify such high expenses, especially considering the current priorities and needs of...
  13. CecilM

    Economy The government claimed that wages are outpacing inflation: it's a joke?

    Most people on this forum receive their salaries or pensions in dollars, which is incomparable to local residents working here for a monthly salary of 800,000 pesos, often working up to 9 hours a day. Salaries never keep up with inflation in this country, especially not now. You don't need to be...
  14. CecilM

    Economy What are Argentinians doing to survive this economic crisis?

    Argentines are pawning their family jewels to get by. Every day, hundreds are selling their jewelry at gold dealers as a last resort to cope with the economic crisis. It's sad that people have to resort to this just to make ends meet...
  15. CecilM

    Economy The government claimed that wages are outpacing inflation: it's a joke?

    Just by observing the current situation and the living conditions of the population, it's clear that the statement in question should not have been made. It's not about hating Milei; it's about recognizing that this is a very delicate and sensitive issue for Argentinians. Sometimes, we need to...
  16. CecilM

    Economy The government claimed that wages are outpacing inflation: it's a joke?

    Sometimes I think they don’t see what’s really happening, and on top of that, they come out with these statements that we all know aren't true. https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/06/10/el-gobierno-afirmo-que-los-salarios-le-ganan-a-la-inflacion-que-dicen-los-datos/
  17. CecilM

    Why have there been so many cases of workplace violence lately?

    Apparently, they were driving around the streets of Belgrano at 2 am. What's notable is that these were affluent guys. Journalists referred to them as "chetos," a common term here for people of high economic status. Fortunately, they were arrested on Juramento Street. The journalists say these...
  18. CecilM

    Politics Milei compared himself to Terminator

    He said, "I come from an apocalyptic future to save you." :cautious: Sometimes I think this guy isn't mentally stable. Doesn't he have a speech advisor? Someone to help him not be such a detestable person?
  19. CecilM

    Why have there been so many cases of workplace violence lately?

    We see these news stories every day, it's so sad. Four guys were shooting at homeless people on the street in the Belgrano neighborhood... People are getting crazier and crazier! So much evil.
  20. CecilM

    Food & Drink KBBQ - Korean Barbecue

    Excellent place!! We were a group of girls, and it was fantastic. The price is $13,000 per person for all-you-can-eat grill, in addition to the drinks. The service from the staff was excellent. The experience of grilling the meat we were going to eat was delightful. It was our first time, and...