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  1. R

    Help! My tourist extension visa was denied today

    I found this link but still confused on the rate. What is the name of the penalty for overstaying? https://www.argentina.gob.ar/interior/migraciones/habilitacion-de-salida https://www.argentina.gob.ar/interior/migraciones/cuadro-tasas-migratorias
  2. R

    Help! My tourist extension visa was denied today

    Wow! Thanks for that website. I found so many great and helpful articles! But I still didn't see where it said how much it was for the overstay fee. She doesn't really cover it unless I'm missing it. I checked all her categories. https://inlovelyblue.com/category/argentina/
  3. R

    Help! My tourist extension visa was denied today

    Does anyone know what the current fee is these days for overstaying a tourist visa? I assume the price is the same at AEP or EZE?