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  1. Q

    Real Estate Sales Mortgages!

    Just saw this while browsing the news: Short terms and specific purposes. With mortgage loans verging on extinction, what loans exist and what the fine print hides
  2. Q

    Real Estate Sales Mortgages!

    My account rep at Galicia told me they don't exist beyond a page advertising they do, the risk isn't worth the reward.
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    Economy Argentina to pay 16 billion USD in damages over YPF Nationalization

    https://www.infobae.com/economia/20...s-de-milei-para-la-argentina-no-hay-un-dolar/ Makes sense. We currently owe the IMF 44.5 Billion, the BCRA reserves are negative, we now owe the holdouts 16 Billion for YPF, and we still need 45 Billion to dollarize. As I've been saying ad nauseam: where is...
  4. Q

    Politics Could Milei win in the first round?

    I'm a betting man, and I put the odds of anyone winning 1st round at under 1%. I also think the only instance in which Milei has any chance of losing is a ballotage between him and Bullrich. If she managed to get even a small percentage of the Peronist vote I think she could pull it off as most...