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  1. FishNicler

    Economy Electricity increases: in the public hearing Edenor requested an increase in rates of 89% on average - Infobae

    Electricity increases: in the public hearing Edenor requested an increase in rates of 89% on average - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/01/26/aumentos-de-la-electricidad-en-la-audiencia-publica-edenor-pidio-una-suba-en-las-tarifas-del-89-en-promedio/ January 26, 2024...
  2. FishNicler

    Newcomer Pedestrian Safety

    In Buenos Aires, the traffic dynamics can be different from European cities, and pedestrians might not always have the same priority. Crossing streets without traffic lights can vary depending on the area. In some busy intersections, it might be challenging as traffic can be intense, and drivers...