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  1. QuiloBa

    Newcomer Slow Internet

    I'm with Personal as well and get/pay for 1Gbps at home when connected via ethernet. That being said, I don't ever recommend using their modem/router device as it's not WiFi 6E which can help a lot with devices that support it and overcrowded bands in buildings. Connect to your router via...
  2. QuiloBa

    Banking Western Union money transfer

    Sorry, I should have been clearer, the they I was speaking about was Western Union's contact center, they're based in the Philippines. I sent 1 million pesos, that's what the email says, and the receipt shows he only got $966,000. I'm going to email WU and complain about it, hopefully get a...
  3. QuiloBa

    Banking Western Union money transfer

    That didn't happen for me, sent on Friday AM, and husband picked up after 3PM when they usually update their rates. Difference was 30K ARS. I was pissed to say the least. I called them, they had no idea what I was talking about (woman's English wasn't that great, and I don't speak Tagalog) I...
  4. QuiloBa

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    Is it possible? Sure, do I think it's likely? No. People already bring/spend what they need from abroad/hide under their mattress for life here, and despite the corralito having been over 20 years ago there are people who still refuse to keep anything more than say 500 USD worth of pesos in the...
  5. QuiloBa

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    The look on Marra and Santoro's faces was priceless: Melconian concisely explains why the dollarization scheme is a fantasy by Milei and LLA as the BCRA has negative foreign reserves. "We're not going to dollarize at $730 pesos or infinity pesos, there are negative reserves and where are we...
  6. QuiloBa

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    That's the other elephant in the room, at what rate? Assuming we could even get loaned 40 Billion+, dollarization via that loan assumes the current blue rate more or less, but if Milei wins, there's also the following hurdles: - There will be even more upward pressure if Milei comes in first or...
  7. QuiloBa

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    What specific aspects of the Ks are socialism? UBI is something literally proposed by libertarians too, so that doesn't make it inherently belong to any political affiliation, let alone socialism.
  8. QuiloBa

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    But it's akin to saying Argentina has inflation problem (accurate), a excessive monetary issuance policy (accurate), but then framing these things as the result of Argentine President Bill Clinton's policy (not the President) which is destroying the East Asian country of Argentina (not where...
  9. QuiloBa

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    Let's review: Argentina has never had a leftist, communist, or socialist president There are currently 4 people in congress who subscribe to this philosophy, and they're all Trotskyites from the FIT-U coalition Here is an article in which even Cristina identifies as an anti-communist, literally...
  10. QuiloBa

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    LOL I needed a laugh like this after a long day of work
  11. QuiloBa

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    I was a kid in the 90s, and hadn't visited Argentina yet, but here is an article from 2021 that has some prices in 1996, and their prices in 2021 at the blue rate. However, the article doesn't appear to have factored in US inflation between 1996 and 2021 which would mean the prices already...
  12. QuiloBa

    Visas Can a 30-week pregnant woman enter Argentina on a tourist visa?

    Yes, you can. Here are the details how: https://www.argentina.gob.ar/interior/migraciones/turistas
  13. QuiloBa

    Visas Can a 30-week pregnant woman enter Argentina on a tourist visa?

    I'm not a lawyer, but as far as I know there are no official restrictions beyond some pedantic argument over tourism vs. healthcare visa usage. That being said, migraciones has not been taking kindly to pregnant women entering Argentina lately, especially Russians, and I wouldn't mention it, or...
  14. QuiloBa

    Politics Some unpleasant arithmetic: Let's go liberty

    Redenomination and dollarization are fairly distinct concepts though. Argentina has done the first many times, but each time it was able to print a new currency in it's place. Dollarization requires establishing a fixed exchange rate, and what I'm hung up on is where we're getting the money...
  15. QuiloBa

    Politics Some unpleasant arithmetic: Let's go liberty

    I feel like a broken record at this point, but nobody, least of all his supporters, can demonstrate how he plans to dollarize without throwing the country in to free fall or a 10,000/1 exchange rate. I'll put my cards on the table, I'm not a Milei supporter nor a supporter of dollarization, and...
  16. QuiloBa

    Politics The Case For President Sergio Massa

    Hold on, let's not go too far with this tax business. Expat consumption alone is helpful, to say nothing of that fact that so many of you are economic engines for the country, encouraging visitors.
  17. QuiloBa

    Politics The Case For President Sergio Massa

    I think this is what's so powerful about him. Even if I despise him and don't believe his schtick for a minute, he resonates with people because he's not like Massa, saying everything is basically fine, and he's not like Bullrich, who talks about reform, he's the "let's blow the entire system...
  18. QuiloBa

    Politics The Case For President Sergio Massa

    The problem as I see it, is that the maintaining the status quo is not a viable choice. So I don’t see how one could vote for Massa.
  19. QuiloBa

    Trip Reports Argentina Versus Colombia to Retire

    I wish to address Barranquilla that was raised. It is too hot for me. Very little high culture. On the plus side- it’s a real working city and has a certain charm. Restaurants are pretty good. No tourists toots. In Colombia, if you like heat, and don’t heat high culture, you could do a lot worse.
  20. QuiloBa

    Taxes Tax Deductions working remotely in BA

    Oh boy, this right here, this is what AFIP is after. You're an Argentine tax resident and you've been breaking the law for years it seems, and I assume you also don't pesify at the official exchange rate, so add some more law breaking, in addition to money laundering. Think to yourself: are...