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  1. Marleny

    Western Union

    Today WU was 1020 to $1 US.
  2. Marleny

    Western Union

    Western Union transfer I sent myself today was 985 pesos to $1 US dollar today.
  3. Marleny

    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    Oh my Lord! I had NO idea the United States was so expensive to live in. We always think the grass is greener on the other side but I didn't understand when people say they need to come to my country to retire. That seems crazy to me. I own my apartment in Recoleta for 30 years. I have very...
  4. Marleny

    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    Wait?! You couldn't afford to live in the USA where you live on $3,800 USD per month? This can't be correct. Can it? Forgive my ignorance as I have lived in Argentina my entire life. I have been to the USA a few times on vacation but I can't imagine how someone that owns their own property...
  5. Marleny

    Western Union

    Just keep in mind the real price on things if you're using your credit card. Many places will give a a 10% to 15% discount to pay cash/pesos vs. using a credit card so factor in that true discounted price too in %.
  6. Marleny

    Western Union

    Wow, this is great news then because this means we can just use our foreign credit card and get as good if not better rate? Great news! Thanks Javier Milei!
  7. Marleny

    Western Union

    Holy smokes! The Criptodolar (https://www.dolarito.ar/) has gone up to $1,200 today! Now that Javier Milei has won I wonder where the blue dollar will go? I'm very happy that Javier Milei won. It won't be easy for Argentina no matter who won but happier times ahead hopefully.