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  1. Redpoint

    Economy Argentina isn't the affordable option

    Although I am skeptical about the wisdom of adopting dollarization, issues like the shortage of small bills or coins are unlikely to be the decisive factor.
  2. Redpoint

    Economy Argentina isn't the affordable option

    Amid the pandemic, older individuals adjusted to utilizing debit cards and electronic wallets since alternative options were limited. Pension disbursements were facilitated electronically, directed to either a bank account or a digital wallet. If the power outage is prolonged to the extent that...
  3. Redpoint

    Economy Argentina isn't the affordable option

    Getting everyone to use debit cards could be a solution. It's more efficient for tax collection, and let's face it, cash is a bit of an antiquated relic, isn't it?
  4. Redpoint

    Economy Argentina isn't the affordable option

    The minimum salary in September is 118,000 pesos. Doubling that amount equates to 118,000 / 730 * 2 = 323 USD. Your conscientious decision has a significant impact.
  5. Redpoint

    Economy Argentina isn't the affordable option

    Are you personally compensating your maid with $800 per month, or is that statement more of a general observation?
  6. Redpoint

    Economy Argentina isn't the affordable option

    Turkey is the cheapest place to live? This guy doesn't know what he is talking about.