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  1. M

    Newcomer Mortgages? Possible?

    The lack of credit makes you wonder how banks earn money in Argentina. In Argentina banks take your money and earn interest by depositing it at the central bank. This way, the central bank has more funds and the government can spend more, it has all been "cleverly" engineered.
  2. M

    Economy The economy will be dollarized soon... it has to be.

    Maybe I'm dense but can you explain the advantage of this? People who have dollars can convert at the cuevas and get a better rate than what Visa offers
  3. M

    Trip Reports Rat coming up the toilet! Common in Buenos Aires?

    So the women turn out to be right after all! The seat and lid really should be down.
  4. M

    Economy No dollar purchases (for locals) unless travelling abroad?

    March was a very very long time ago...
  5. M

    Getting married in Argentina.

    Thanks guys! I appreciate the info... Meh, I guess a month isn't so long. A friend had told me 2 months. Hey, does it matter if you're on a tourist visa? Expired tourist visa? I didn't know about the blood test. Anyone know the rationale behind that? Can't get married if you're sick?
  6. M

    Getting married in Argentina.

    Hello everyone! I'm seeking advice from fellow expats who have gone through the process of getting married in Argentina. I've heard that there might be a lengthy wait for an available slot. Additionally, there seem to be some unique requirements, such as obtaining a long-form birth certificate...