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    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    Alberto’s secretary finally testified, and she sided with Fabiola. I think he's in deeper trouble now; nothing can save him...
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    Newcomer Which neighborhood do you recommend?

    I highly recommend Belgrano. It’s the safest of the three, a very nice and quiet neighborhood, and it’s also really easy to get to Palermo from there.
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    Politics Roadblocks in the Fight Against Human Trafficking: The Rejection of a Crucial Article

    Recently, a girl who was going to be sold for a piece of land and 4,000 usd in Concordia, Entre Ríos, was rescued by the Gendarmería. Is this really happening? I hadn’t heard of anything like this before the Loan case...
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    Newcomer Due to the crisis, there are blocks-long lines for the vigil of San Cayetano

    I'm amazed at what faith and need can drive people to do. Amid the economic crisis, dozens of people gathered on Tuesday around the San Cayetano Sanctuary in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Liniers, waiting for the mass scheduled for Wednesday morning. They’re spending the night there, hoping...
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    Newcomer Driver's license without an expiration date

    This new measure of not having to renew your driver's license and being able to handle everything online is excellent. Before, you had to renew your license every five years and pay for the process. Now, with the option to do everything digitally, the process is much simpler, saving both time...