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  1. C

    Apartment Rental Apartment needed one person

    Again thank you all. I have stayed in Recoleta.....three times. All three times in Airbnbs. I have now stayed in Airbnbs 20 times throughout Latin America and a poke at Manila also.
  2. C

    Apartment Rental Apartment needed one person

    Thank you for your thoughts and info......stinky market
  3. C

    Apartment Rental Apartment needed one person

    I need a place starting Sept 1. Just me....no smoking, bright, clean, washing machine, internet, probably for 3 months or so, love Recoleta, $500-$600---with photos, please. After that a 3 bedroom apartment for 2 adults and a 2 year old.....permanent.
  4. C

    Banking How to access money when travelling to Argentina?

    Carry a wad? no. Each country is different. ARG....use WU cash pickup......no using card for cash... Costa Rica....debit card works fine (from U.S. account?) Mexico....wire transfer like WU.....Dominican Republic I think WU. You can use a card in ARG for purchases.......from the U.S. and get a...
  5. C

    Legal My Divorce From Argentina

    After thinking about it for awhile, I have decided to run as fast as I can away from Argentina. I arrived approx 3 years ago with tons of spirit, plenty of cash, and a love of Argentina (as I am half Argie). The past two years have been a good lesson which has taught me....come back to...
  6. C

    Apartment Rental hotels.com

    Does anyone know hotels.com ? Is this a trustworthy company?
  7. C

    Banking 15% surcharge on foreign transactions on Argentine credit cards starting Sep 1

    Good thing Capital one is one or the only one may be, not charging any fees for foreign transactions...
  8. C

    Newcomer Buenos Aires in or out

    I agree that it's best not to sell now. Wait and see what happens. My fear, though, is that the electorate is getting increasingly ignorant and could support a Cristina government forever. Extending voting rights to non citizens and kids will only make it worse. I don't know who expats here...
  9. C

    Newcomer Buenos Aires in or out

    Let's consider a few RETIREE issues for Americans: Medical care in the US is 80% covered by Medicare. The remaining 20% can covered by an inexpensive supplemental insurance policy. That policy will be a LOT cheaper than Argentine medical insurance for people 65+. Also consider that most plans...
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    Newcomer Buenos Aires in or out

    Some expats used to say they were in Argentina to escape fascism in the US. Guess they decided US 'fascism' is not as bad as the current Argentine version.
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    Newcomer Baby Jabs

    Hello Guys This site has been so helpful getting settled in here so first of all thanks for all your help. My baby is coming up to 1 so will need her MMR jab very soon. My husband won't have a job until 3 months from now (I hope :)). I don't want to get ripped off on insurance so I was...