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  1. R

    Pettovello denting Milei's approval ratings

    This ministry is facing a lot of problems. I hope Pettovello doesn't let Milei down. With an open case against her and several resignations due to poor management in the sector, the outlook doesn’t look promising...
  2. R

    Politics The Fall of the Most Powerful Man in Tucumán

    Finally, with Milei's government, we are starting to see true justice, with no favoritism and no luxurious home detentions. The justice system has confirmed the preventive detention of Alperovich because he has the economic power and connections to flee or hide if he were to be released...
  3. R

    Newcomer AI in Argentina: What a Waste of Technological Resources!

    It's surprising that so many people still haven't gotten used to technology. While it's understandable that older adults might reject technology and its advances due to fear of the unknown, but it's really strange that younger people aren't using AI at work despite all its advantages.