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  1. R

    Banking How to bring in USD Legally to buy property?

    When I bought my apartment in 2009, I used a company named Multifinanzas, which is now named Transatlantica Compañia Financiera. They are located downtown in microcenter. They were great. The price for the service was very reasonable, and we also did the closing in a room at their office. The...
  2. R

    Politics Some unpleasant arithmetic: Let's go liberty

    If you want to learn more about it, you should search on YouTube for Emilio Ocampo. He will most likely be the Economic Minister for Milei. He has many interviews about dolarizacion and the options of how to go about it, and the way that they would most likely do it. No one is saying that they...
  3. R

    Politics The Case For President Sergio Massa

    Much of the opposition to Milei is the fear of increased cost of living for expats. Not his love of tantric sex, dogs or unusual closeness with his sister. With Massa, nothing changes, which isn't a bad thing for expats living on dollars. Vamos Massa!
  4. R

    Politics The Case For President Sergio Massa

    For those who fear a Milei or Bullrich Presidency, let's hear why Sergio Massa would be the best choice for Argentina. I don't believe this to be the case, but I'll start to get the discussion going. Let's keep this to as why Massa is the best, and not about Bullrich or Milei who are pretty...
  5. R

    Newcomer eSIM option in Buenos Aires?

    Personal has eSims. The current policy is only to give them to people with contracts and not for people with prepago, or pay as you go. We have e-sims in our prepagos, but they are from before they instituted the current policy. We use them as a second sim, keeping the US numbers active as well.