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  1. MikelBedsa

    What happens if Argentina gets too expensive? What are alternative cities/countries to move to when it's overpriced in Argentina?

    I've been hearing whispers that prices in Buenos Aires and Argentina have climbed so high that they're now rubbing shoulders with the USA. Is that for real? What's the forecast for future inflation? Milei was the supposed savior, but in the short term, it seems like things might've taken a turn...
  2. MikelBedsa

    Food & Drink Los Galgos San Nicolas

    The truth is that if you want to eat well and be well served, this is undoubtedly the place to go... The potato omelette and the fritters are a delight that the palate does not forget easily. You will want to come back and delight yourself with those flavors that make their cuisine an...