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  1. B

    Electronics Iphone 5 To Be Announced Sept 12!

    Nice one Scott, glad to see I'm not the only person here who favours anything else over Apple.
  2. B

    Food & Drink Rare imported delicacies found at Carrefour in Corrientes

    SHUT UP GOLDFISH CRACKERS!? that's my all time favorite snack in the world. Off hunting I go then
  3. B

    Banking 15% surcharge on foreign transactions on Argentine credit cards starting Sep 1

    Maybe I misunderstand the surcharge. If I hold a Arg bank issued card, go to NYC, buy a US$100 widget using my card, when my statement arrives it will contain a charge of 460 pesos plus the surcharge of 69 pesos for a total charge of 529 pesos. In effect I am paying 5.29 pesos for a US dollar...
  4. B

    Banking 15% surcharge on foreign transactions on Argentine credit cards starting Sep 1

    15% isnt bad if the foreign currency (US$) is being converted at the official rate on the cardholder's bank statement inasmuch as the spread between official and parallel is over 30%.
  5. B

    Newcomer Mailing a book to Buenos Aires

    buy him the online/electrionic version...
  6. B

    Food & Drink Macaroni and cheese

    I know this is a longshot, but does anyone know of a place in BA where you can buy American-style boxed macaroni and cheese (i.e. Annie's, Kraft)? My kids are really craving it! Thanks!