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  1. P

    Finally, soon you will be able to leave tips/gratuity at restaurants with your credit card!

    I’ve only been in BA for a few weeks, and I was just wondering about this. What great news! :)
  2. P

    Argentina in the Copa America - Will they go all the way to Champions again?

    I think apologizing is an overreaction. Yes, I understand that it might not be the best timing, with Milei traveling to France in just a few days, but these back-and-forths only highlight the government’s communication weaknesses. France made a huge deal out of this, even though what the players...
  3. P

    Food & Drink Gastronomic district under a bridge... where is it?

    Hey everyone! I’m new to BA and just starting to explore the city. I’m already falling in love with its beauty. I was wondering if you know exactly where that food district mentioned by the guy in the video is. I want to check it out this weekend, it looks like a really cool spot. Thanks in...