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Search results

  1. CremaIce

    Newcomer Escaping Buenos Aires for the summer months - where to go?

    I'd suggest exploring the Tandil Sierras, approximately 5 hours from the Capital. The internet connectivity is reliable, and you'll find decent WiFi in numerous bars and cafes, making it somewhat of a mini Silicon Valley in Argentina. With over 40 IT companies, it offers a tech-friendly...
  2. CremaIce

    Newcomer Are people finally getting fed up? New petition going around

    I'd be hesitant to put my real name on an online petition as well, just to be cautious. It's not about fear but rather a prudent approach. The dynamics here are different, and the destination of that list is unpredictable.
  3. CremaIce

    For Sale Need A Clothes Dryer Recommendation

    I've been on the lookout every time I visit a Garbarino or a similar store, but I haven't come across any front-load dryers. It's possible I might be checking the wrong places, but the only types I've noticed are the smaller cylinder ones. I did find some old dryers for sale on MercadoLibre, but...
  4. CremaIce

    Newcomer Forget Palermo - What are the Best Barrios for expats?

    It depends on what the individual wants (and can afford.) :) If I had my pick of where to live in the city, I'd choose either Palermo Botanico, Saavedra, or Villa Devoto/Urquiza - in the nicer parts, of course. ;) I'm so used to this run down part of provincia that when we go into Palermo it...
  5. CremaIce

    Newcomer Do you wear a diamond engagement ring?

    If you like the ring, don't wear it unless you're going to generally safe areas... in a car, accompanied, to spend time with people you know. :) Diamond rings are not common here at all and very expensive... I personally wouldn't want to risk loosing the ring or catching some chorro's...
  6. CremaIce

    Real Estate Sales Do I need a Real Estate Agent or just an Escribano?

    No inmobilaria needed, just make sure you trust the Escribano whoever you use I sold my property just over a year ago (I'm a permanent resident) and had the money transferred from the buyers USA account to my UK account, it wasn't a problem because it was documented in the Escritura that the...
  7. CremaIce

    Legal Online Notary, not sure if it's a viable option here..

    I believe I spoke with @TechNow last night on SignNow about our notary product. We believe our product with greatly benefit Ex Pats like you've all expressed and we are really excited to do so. Please visit us if you have any questions.
  8. CremaIce

    Economy Pessification of real estate?

    I'm not sure I follow. Pessification of real estate wouldn't necessarily change the value of the house. Now taking those pesos and trying to get them out of the country to use elsewhere is the real matter. ;) As others have mentioned on this forum, the peso is a bit like store credit, it's good...
  9. CremaIce

    Newcomer Argentine Citizenship for foreigners: Can it really be this easy?

    Argentina acknowledges dual citizenship, and many Argentines hold Italian, Spanish, and German citizenship through their ancestors. As long as you don't explicitly declare the renunciation of all other citizenships, there's typically no issue. Even if you were to make such a declaration, the...
  10. CremaIce

    Legal Automobile parts

    If you stick to popular cars that are made here in Argentina and sell well, you should be okay. I would suggest not to buy an import even if it's supposedly the same make/model... European and Brazilian cars are almost always a little different. (I say this since recently my mother in law took...
  11. CremaIce

    Economy ATM receipts with dollar withdrawal

    You can try, but chances are they're not going to give you any dollars for those pesos. My suggestion for any tourist (or anyone else for that matter) is to never exchange for more pesos than you're sure you'll need. Dollars are always good, pesos, not so much.
  12. CremaIce

    Banking Taking Money out of Country

    Didn't that banks here restricted to transfer money to account abroad as well?