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  1. Chesse

    Banking Bank Account With Just a Passport and CDI Number (No DNI)

    Sometimes the acronym DNI is used (or at least by me) a bit loosely to include the precaria. Once you have your precaria, you should be able to open the account, even if you didn't have the DNI yet. That's what the lawyer did for me when I applied for residency, and probably what your company...
  2. Chesse

    Banking Bank Account With Just a Passport and CDI Number (No DNI)

    Just goes to show how everything is uncertain here. 4 years ago, I bought a car with cash. I tried to get a CUIL from ANSES with my passport and they absolutely denied me this. The only thing I could get as a foreigner, according to them, was a CDI. I went to every bank I could think of...
  3. Chesse

    Economy Pessification of real estate?

    I agree with Tevor. In my experience real estate in Argentina can be counted on over the long-term. We bought before the crisis in 2001, after which the place was worth a lot less than we paid for it. But we weren't going anywhere, so the harm was only on paper. Since then, the value of the...
  4. Chesse

    US residency for Argentines??

    Your friend seems to be managing temporary residency by spending a significant portion of the year in the U.S., despite potential challenges with the number of exits and entrances. While this approach might work for maintaining temporary residency, the path to permanent residency and citizenship...