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  1. B

    Legal credit money wedding situation

    Hey guys. Thanks for the replies. I understand I won't get credit in Arg because I am working in negro. I said that in my post above. I was also hoping of a less ghetto way to get the money, you know, not by selling my computer. My friend from the wedding suggested paypals bill me later. Any...
  2. B

    Legal credit money wedding situation

    oh snap that´s brilliant lol!! i dont know if I can though... and how exactly would I pay it off with pesos??
  3. B

    Legal credit money wedding situation

    Hey guys So my stupid a$$ best friend decided to get married at age 24 to a girl he´s known for less than a year, and is insistant on everyone coming. I want to go because all my buddies will finally be in the same place at the same time for the first time in years, so I want to go even though...