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  1. L

    Help with info about Elementary School

    Dear Expat in this forum: I am looking for info about schools to attend to my 10- and 7-year-old children. They mostly know English and too little Spanish. I am looking for a good curriculum - Education - as well as activities and of course not so costly in Buenos Aires. Thank you very much
  2. L

    I'm a U.S. Citizen, mom born in Argentina, how can I move there?

    I agree with Steve about the Argentine Consulates. I dealt with the one in NYC and Atlanta (as we moved during the process). The NYC one was "on it", (called us back, set up appointment in a week, very knowledgeable, pretty good website). Atlanta we were the first ones applying under the new...
  3. L

    Real Estate News Who are the future ExpatsBA?

    Stive, Calm down. Take a deep breath and relax. Why so defensive? The post wasn't meant to belittle anyone and I'm sorry if you took it personal. It was more to remind everyone that we are also pretty lucky too. I've lived in a "third world" country before so maybe I have a different take on...
  4. L

    Real Estate News Who are the future ExpatsBA?

    Sometimes I think we as expats suffer from tunnel vision, from a myopic world view. Is life getting "harder" in Argentina? Well that depends on who you ask and what you compare it to. For expats who are constantly comparing it to the US and Europe, Argentina may always be a failure. For the...
  5. L

    Apartment Rental Stay away from this apartment rental

    It seems you and Bailey may be overlooking the core of my message. What I expressed has no connection to your specific situation with her. While you focus on your issue, my concern lies more with the moderation aspect. Let's move past it. Adding to my earlier comment: there's nothing inherently...
  6. L

    Apartment Rental Stay away from this apartment rental

    It's clear you skimmed through my post rather than reading it. I clearly stated she did not appear to be innocent. If you can't read I don't know what to tell you.
  7. L

    Apartment Rental Stay away from this apartment rental

    I've been following this thread for a while now, and while it's evident that this woman is involved in some form of scam, my concern lies in the lack of moderation regarding the content of this discussion. My point is, the individual in question hasn't had the opportunity to defend herself...