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    Apartment Rental NYC Airbnb New Regulations, Will BA follow?

    By the way, do AirBnb pay Argentine hosts with the official rate?
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    Trip Reports Argentina Versus Colombia to Retire

    Thank you, earlyetirement. I will definitely start the process as soon as I get back to Canada. I also looked up the Mexican embassy website, that just lists the requirements you already mentioned. Only difference is I need to make appointment with email so hopefully not much delay. As far as I...
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    Trip Reports Argentina Versus Colombia to Retire

    Hi earlyetirement. I want to ask some questions as I have been investing in mexican PR and you are the one with first hand experience. Is that such an easy process as you said, any other implications after arriving in Mexico? How long do I need to be in Mexico (months per year) to keep PR? Do...
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    Taxes Expat AFIP taxes

    If you are physically present in this country while actually performing your work, the IRS considers it to be a foreign earned income. It is the location where the activity is being carried out that matters.
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    Economy Is Argentina on the verge of another crisis?

    I have made the same consideration as you to move to Argentina, but I would advise against it, because of the bad and worsening economy. Instead, I changed my plans to divide my time between Argentina and Belgium (for now). My plan is to set up a company at home. I will go to Argentina for a...