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  1. N

    Medical Healthcare medical monthly premiums are going to get increased!

    On Monday, the Government and private health insurance companies will face off in front of Judge Juan Rafael Stinco in the Federal Civil and Commercial Court. He has summoned them to a conciliation hearing at 10 in the morning for the case in which the Executive branch demanded that the...
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    Politics Why does Milei want to remove Posse from the cabinet?

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    Politics Spain demands apologies from Milei... I'd say they better not hold their breath

    The corruption is so obvious that Pedro Sanchez has become the laughingstock of his own country. https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/argentina/argentinas-milei-calls-spanish-pm-sanchez-laughing-stock-of-europe.phtml
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    Politics A Venezuelan who emigrated to Argentina when Milei won the elections compares him to Messi and Maradona

    He went to Milei's show and shared how important it is for him to live in a country without socialism. He compared Milei to Messi and Maradona for being a highly influential personality. He said that life here is better than in Chile.
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    Javier Milei is accused of plagiarism in his new book

    Even in Chile, they indulge in criticizing Milei, obviously a left-wing government. https://www.lapoliticaonline.com/politica/las-pruebas-de-plagio-del-libro-que-presenta-milei-en-el-luna-park/
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    Politics Unbelievable—Even a Kirchnerist went to see Milei's show

    The young man said, "I'm not a libertarian, I'm a Kirchnerist, but we shouldn't be so biased and only look in one direction."...
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    Politics Diplomatic crisis with Spain? How does it affect Argentina if the president of Spain withdraws his ambassador?

    Even politicians in his own country despise him! Spaniards feel ashamed of Pedro Sánchez's actions.
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    Milei decided to suspend the content of social networks and websites of Public Media

    At last, communication will be clear and non-partisan.
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    Politics Milei will present his book at Luna Park tomorrow....There will be surprises

    Does anyone know if anyone can attend and how to get tickets?
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    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    Regarding the issue of extortion, this post by a priest who is supposed to help the most needy has resurfaced. It makes me so angry that someone would exploit people's hunger... it's disgusting. As the option that says that *where there is a need there is NOT a right* won, I would like to ask...
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    Economy Foreign companies are regaining confidence in Argentina

    Foreign companies are regaining confidence in Argentina; this is the beginning of an economic resurgence.
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    Economy How does this paradox unfold? An Argentina with two faces

    Seeking international resources to boost economic growth and employment in a country is a goal for those who understand the significance of private investment. If this investment comes from abroad, it's even better, as it signifies having outperformed potential competitors in the race to attract...
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    Smoking weed at the Book Fair?

    Yes, exactly, but especially in a closed, quiet, and family-friendly environment like the annual book fair, it's really unpleasant for these things to happen.
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    What are Russia's real intentions?

    The true interests of Russia. https://www.expatsba.com/threads/russias-discovery-of-oil-and-gas-%E2%80%9Cyou-cannot-explore-it-in-antarctica-%E2%80%9D-said-former-ambassador-diego-guelar-infobae.3206/
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    Economy April inflation was 8.8% and accumulated 289.4% in the last 12 months - Infobae

    Yes! Good news, I just hope this decrease in inflation reflects in prices. https://www.ambito.com/economia/la-inflacion-consolida-la-baja-pero-no-mejora-el-consumo-n5995077
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    Smoking weed at the Book Fair?

    It seems like at that stand, they were drinking beer, smoking weed, and singing against Milei...supposedly they are intellectuals who went there to showcase their work...apparently, everything got out of hand when security personnel asked them to stop smoking...
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    Politics Alberto Fernandez has no shame!

    This Mr. has no shame? after the mess he made, the corruption, the insurance scandal, the scams with cooperatives in between...he should be hiding under a rock and not provoking someone who is trying to deal with all the mess they left us.
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    Politics Argentina Contemplates Major Economic Reforms, Including 'Dollarization'

    Of course, he has a tough job ahead thanks to the mess left by the clowns who governed before.
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    Newcomer Wenance CEO arrested in Palermo accused of scam who owes $297 million in bad checks - Ponzi scheme still in 2024?

    Yes, you'e right! Nothing that promises so much in such a short time can be real..... I am sorry that eight thousand people have lost so much money....