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  1. TechNow

    Newcomer Do you wear a diamond engagement ring?

    I gave my wife a diamond engagement ring and she made me return it!!!!! She said she had no intention of being a target. Only in Buenos Aires do women refuse diamonds. That just goes to show how F*CKED UP the whole crime situation is.
  2. TechNow

    Legal Hit my car and run!!!

    This is the reason to get full coverage insurance with no deductible. Then it's someone else's problem.
  3. TechNow

    Real Estate Sales Do I need a Real Estate Agent or just an Escribano?

    Selling property as a non-resident is a nightmare. Anyone who is thinking of owning property in Argentina should try and get a DNI so they can avoid this process when they go to sell. Ideally they should have the DNI when they buy. When my father (a non-resident) sold his property here we were...
  4. TechNow

    Real Estate Sales Do I need a Real Estate Agent or just an Escribano?

    Would you be so kind as to send me a PM of the escribano who was able to do that transaction? I'd very much like to know. I'm sure dirtboy would like to know also.
  5. TechNow

    Real Estate Sales Do I need a Real Estate Agent or just an Escribano?

    I believe the escribanos are required now to ask you about the origin of the funds when you buy the property. I remember filling this out when I bought my last property. You have to say where you got the money from. I was not required to provide proof, however. That may have changed. It seems...
  6. TechNow

    Real Estate Sales Do I need a Real Estate Agent or just an Escribano?

    A foreign buyer of real estate needs to get a CDI number and once per year needs to pay "bienes personales". When he sells the apartment he will also need to prove what it was used for.
  7. TechNow

    Real Estate Sales Do I need a Real Estate Agent or just an Escribano?

    The language you indicate here is no longer permitted in escrituras. The money now has to be brought into Argentina. This change was made about 6 months ago I believe. Google it. And yes this is ALMOST the biggest issue. My suggestion is (assuming Dirtboy is the middleman here, trusted by both...
  8. TechNow

    Real Estate Sales Do I need a Real Estate Agent or just an Escribano?

    You don't want an agent. If you already have a deal in place, then you just need an escribano. I also recommend you find an escribano and pay a little extra for them to say the funds were paid in Argentina and then do the transaction outside of Argentina. This will save everyone a bunch of...
  9. TechNow

    Taxes Cristina asks AFIP to investigate man who commented for newspaper article

    You should be able to criticize the government without having tax inspectors come knocking on your door. In a healthy democracy with institutions, the tax office operates independently and doesn't pursue people based on their politics. The Ks used this tactic last week also on the owners of a...
  10. TechNow

    Legal Online Notary, not sure if it's a viable option here..

    I spoke with them last night and the notary is in Virginia. So if you are going to later apostille the documents just be aware that they'll need to be sent there.
  11. TechNow

    Legal Online Notary, not sure if it's a viable option here..

    Wow, this looks great.
  12. TechNow

    Newcomer ATM in Uruguay for dollars

    This is pretty common with any institution that is geared for "savings". Someone needs to pay the ATM fees. So if you have an ATM fee waiver, you are generating more costs to them than your account generates in profits. No savings bank is going to hold on to unprofitable customers. Any account...
  13. TechNow

    Taxes IVA- When do I have to pay and when am I being scammed?

    The receipt should be an official type receipt and say "B" at the top. If they give you a receipt that says "C" at the top, they are monotributistas and they shouldn't charge you IVA because they don't pay IVA. Can you post a copy of the receipt? I will take a look and let you know. It sounds...
  14. TechNow

    Banking Bringing Dollars from USA

    You can bring in up to $10,000 USD in cash without having to give explanations. And it is 100% legal. Go for it.
  15. TechNow

    Visas Working without a work visa

    Most small Argentine companies will be happy to hire you under the table if you can actually perform a useful service for them. They'll save the 40% social security charges that go with having an employee "en blanco" as they call it here.
  16. TechNow

    Banking Significant news about peso exchange rate

    A Toyota RAV4 4x4 with all the trimmings... leather, heated seats, etc. With the dollar at $6, I am stealing this car. I haven't closed the sale yet though. If I can get dollars for cheap on Monday there's no way I would spend my pesos on a car. It seems pretty hard to believe though. I don't...
  17. TechNow

    Banking Significant news about peso exchange rate

    Yes, I will be watching. I for one signed a contract to buy a new car in pesos, but if the dollar really goes to 5.10, I am going to cancel that purchase and buy dollars. I still can't imagine that anyone is going to sell dollars at 5.10 though. It goes against the market. If there are actually...
  18. TechNow

    Banking Significant news about peso exchange rate

    That's why I am saying, I don't know if this is going to be effective or not. These kirchneristas have tried price controls for years now with food and everything else and it never worked. Just because Aníbal Fernandez says the dollar is going to be worth $5.10 on Monday doesn't make it so. I...
  19. TechNow

    Banking Significant news about peso exchange rate

    We live in interesting times. It still remains to be seen whether they can control the CCL dolar or the dolar bono. Maybe they can control the blue dollar, but I don't know if they can control everything else. It remains to be seen. Of course, if they just opened up the official market a bit...
  20. TechNow

    Politics CFK PISS-ify her own account!

    http://buenosairesherald.com/article/102835/cfk-my-dollar-fixedterm-bank-deposit-will-be-pesified But her diamonds stay diamonds and the dollars abroad stay dollars!