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  1. TechNow

    FAST Internet Office Recommendation

    Opting for a router capable of managing multiple connections and load balancing is the most effective solution. In our office, we utilize this setup with Telecentro and Arnet, ensuring a reliable internet connection without any downtime and doubling our bandwidth. Initially, we experimented with...
  2. TechNow

    Banking DONT CHANGE Dollars

    Could you let us know what US bank is accepting pesos at 5.1? This sounds too good to be true. I have a lot of pesos to sell for dollars at 5.1.
  3. TechNow

    Economy Officially Done with BA

    Yeah, I would do the denuncia (even though it won't do any good) just so you can spite the landlady, who sounds like a real bitch.
  4. TechNow

    Economy Economic Storm Clouds Brewing for Argentina?

    I don't think any business in Argentina pays everything it owes in taxes. People do the best to pay what they can, depending on the business they are in. The World Bank did a study and if you paid all your taxes and had 100% of your entire operation in white in Argentina you would pay 108% of...
  5. TechNow

    Travel Argentines: want to travel? You need Cristina's permission

    Yes, all this is true. But I love cars more than I hate taxes.
  6. TechNow

    Travel Argentines: want to travel? You need Cristina's permission

    The problem is that the government wants all the dollars for themselves. What they are doing is fomenting the black market with all these measures. It would be a lot simpler if they just let the dollar float and charged a 30% additional tax to everyone who exported. That would accomplish the...
  7. TechNow

    Newcomer Cons to getting Argentine citizenship for Americans?

    This really depends on your individual circumstances. My wife and I have a great quality of life here. There are plenty of neighborhoods that are safe and there are excellent private schools, better even than private schools in the US. You can send your children to a private international school...
  8. TechNow

    Newcomer Cons to getting Argentine citizenship for Americans?

    That's fine. There are a lot of us who feel differently. I have lived here for 8 years now, I love this country, my wife is Argentine, I own land in a border area, I have quite a few other investments here, and I don't like the hostile attitude here towards foreigners (especially northerners)...
  9. TechNow

    Newcomer Cons to getting Argentine citizenship for Americans?

    Citizenship has nothing to do with taxes. If you are a US citizen, you have to pay taxes on your worldwide income, same as Argentina citizens. For American expats living abroad in Argentina, they should be paying ZERO taxes in the USA. Income tax rates in Argentina are 35%, which is above the...
  10. TechNow

    Newcomer Cons to getting Argentine citizenship for Americans?

    Want to find out what US consular assistance is worth? Download the series "Locked Up Abroad". They come to visit once a month. They give you a list of lawyers. They will bring you food or money to the jail that your family sends to the consulate. The most important thing if you are ever found...
  11. TechNow

    Newcomer Cons to getting Argentine citizenship for Americans?

    I'm going for citizenship. I already have residency. From what I understand from the US Embassy, you don't lose your US citizenship, so there seems to be no downside. There are a lot of upsides: 1. You can invest in land and border areas here in Argentina without prior government approval. 2...
  12. TechNow

    Economy Pessification of real estate?

    I think you all just need to stop freaking out. I have a lot of cash invested in real estate here... residential, commercial, and even parking spaces. You are all underestimating the creativity of the Argentine people. The government can put whatever regulation they want, but people here will...
  13. TechNow

    Economy Pessification of real estate?

    I'm not so sure this is such a bad thing. This would actually make the peso a lot more useful. One of the reasons no one wants pesos is that you can't buy anything of real value with it. There are very few investments that hold their value in pesos. If you could at least use it to buy Argentine...
  14. TechNow

    Travel Bringing car tires with me on a plane

    Might be easier to try and get this in Uruguay or something with Buquebus.
  15. TechNow

    Economy Economic Storm Clouds Brewing for Argentina?

    Your company should replace its CFO here in Argentina. There are still ways to get cash out of the country. Multinationals have dozens of options at their disposal: contado con liquidación, transfer pricing schemes, etc. Companies are sending cash abroad every day.
  16. TechNow

    Economy Economic Storm Clouds Brewing for Argentina?

    You're not going to see a restaurant or small property-holder nationalized. The biggest problem a small business owner has in this economy is what looks to be the recession that is on the horizon. But that means what it has always meant: the marginal players with small profit margins are going...
  17. TechNow

    Legal Automobile parts

    By far the cheapest and most widely available parts are for autos that are on the low end from each brand and made in Brazil (i.e. VW Gol, Renault Clio, Fiat Siena, etc). You will have trouble with imported cars from non-mercosur countries.
  18. TechNow

    Economy Blue Dollar: Peso has devalued 22% over the last 30 days

    Today the dollar hit $6.15 in the blue market and as high as $7.50 in the interior of the country... amazing! In 30 days the price has gone from 5.03 to 6.15, moving more than an entire peso. We have broken the psychological barrier of $6 pesos. That's a devaluation of 22% in just 30 days. What...
  19. TechNow

    Economy Economic Storm Clouds Brewing for Argentina?

    I am continuing to invest in Argentina. I know plenty of other small businesspeople who are investing as well. Small-scale businesses are pretty much immune to the kind of government psychosis that the Ks like to inflict on all of us because there just isn't enough cash (caja) for them to go...
  20. TechNow

    Real Estate Sales advice on rental agreement

    You have to think that this guy already knows you, he knows you pay on time, you are willing to pay in dollars, and you are willing to pay what he asks. So, you are not asking that much for him to do the legwork and find a cueva that will accept your bank transfer. Like this poster said, there...