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  1. TechNow

    Real Estate Sales advice on rental agreement

    If you want to sign a 2 year contract, you'll need to get a local guarantee, or else do something like Dirtboy says and negotiate it. I would recommend against starting a war with the owner of the apartment, sending cartas documento, etc. Just walk away if you don't agree on the terms. There...
  2. TechNow

    Real Estate Sales advice on rental agreement

    Nothing you can do if you want to keep renting that apartment. You need to take a hard line when negotiating. They are Argentines, they are dealing with foreigners, so they should know better than you how to get ahold of dollars in Argentina. I would tell them that you agree on the price in...
  3. TechNow

    US residency for Argentines??

    I am in the same situation (my wife is Argentine and we live in Argentina). It can't be done. You have to apply for the residency when you actually want to go and live in the USA. But you can't apply and then not use it. But residency for a spouse is approved automatically. You don't have any...
  4. TechNow

    Economy Multiple Exchange Rates

    The government doesn't WANT to favor importers, but the economic reality favors imported goods by having a dollar that costs 4.45 when I want to buy something abroad. I am buying goods for less than the true value of the dollar (5.60 as of yesterday on the open market).
  5. TechNow

    Economy Multiple Exchange Rates

    The current economic system is tilted in favor of importers over exporters. The disparity between the official and unofficial exchange rates has created a situation where locally produced goods become prohibitively expensive, while imported goods enjoy a significant cost advantage due to the...
  6. TechNow

    Declaring cash upon leaving EZE

    There are plenty of expats on this board who are looking to bring cash INTO Argentina. It would be easier (and safer) for you to give them the cash here and have them wire their funds to your bank account abroad. Declaring that you are leaving the country with more than $10K in cash is an...
  7. TechNow

    For Sale Buying a car with dollars

    Yes, buying a new car is pretty easy. Where they normally screw you is on the "patentamiento". They will say it is included and then you have to pay it later. They will say just the service was included, but not the taxes. So I always negotiate a low price on the car (I tell them since I will...
  8. TechNow

    Banking Taking Money out of Country

    No, the government restricted the transfer abroad. That's why people who can still do it are charging 5%+ to do it.
  9. TechNow

    Banking Taking Money out of Country

    If you have a place that charges 1.5 - 2% to wire out (today, not 6 months ago), please do send me a PM with their details. I don't know anyone who wires out for less than 5%. And to get 5% you have to send a LOT.
  10. TechNow

    Banking Taking Money out of Country

    It'll cost you about 6% to wire out dollars. It costs about 40% to wire pesos.
  11. TechNow

    Banking Taking Money out of Country

    Depends if you have the cash in pesos or USD.