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  1. jackL

    A whale makes a comeback off Argentina's Coast 100 years after vanishing

    This is amazing! It's a species that's endangered, giving us a ray of hope and reminding us of the importance of continuing to protect the planet.
  2. jackL

    Newcomer The dream of marrying a Latina girl

    They are a boom nowadays, I think it is because they are loving, good mothers, attentive and know how to take care of a man...
  3. jackL

    Water bill (Aysa) skyrocketed up 400% from normal bill. Any others?

    This is the sad reality of today, increases and increases and increases.... https://www.ambito.com/economia/todos-los-aumentos-mayo-subte-tren-nafta-alquileres-servicios-internet-telefono-y-mas-n5990239 This is why people are so unhappy, and why there are so many strikes and mobilizations...
  4. jackL

    Medical Healthcare medical monthly premiums are going to get increased!

    You're correct. It seems that the private health companies are applying an incorrect formula. Users have complained because the companies aren't meeting the government's requirements. Today, Caputo will explain the correct formula, and he stated that companies not adhering to it will be fined...
  5. jackL

    Education A sensitive issue in Argentine society that could tarnish Milei's image: Cutbacks in public education

    Many things will change with Milei...Audits are strictly necessary to put an end to all this corruption. https://www.expatsba.com/threads/the-government-will-seek-to-agree-on-audits-with-the-universities-and-will-propose-that-a-%E2%80%9Cneutral-technical%E2%80%9D-body-intervene-infobae.2942/
  6. jackL

    Education A sensitive issue in Argentine society that could tarnish Milei's image: Cutbacks in public education

    Today will be a historic march. Despite many seeking political advantage, it's an explicit demand from the students, and I hope they are heard. Education is everything, without it, we are nothing...
  7. jackL

    Food & Drink Best Empanadas in Buenos Aires - List of Restaurants with the Best!

    I come to share with you the best empanada place! "Empanadas Salteñas". Excellent empanadas salteñas, homemade and crunchy dough, well filled and of good size. The price is in line. The place is very small, only for take away. I totally recommend! https://maps.app.goo.gl/dUD9AvsUqkd1hG968
  8. jackL

    Newcomer Why is Argentina experiencing a rise in costs?

    Argentina is grappling with severe inflation, with prices rising every month due to the decreasing value of the currency. I have read that until January a family needed almost $600,000 not to be poor. https://www.ambito.com/economia/una-familia-necesito-casi-600000-enero-no-ser-pobre-n5945205
  9. jackL

    Newcomer Basic salary and cost of living in BA

    Hi! I have read that as of March the minimum living and mobile wage increased to $202,800, it really seems like a joke, how could a person live on that salary? https://www.argentina.gob.ar/trabajo/consejodelsalario
  10. jackL

    Newcomer Tipping in BA

    Let's stick to a maximum of 10%, and only in restaurants. Please, let's not import their lousy tipping culture to this country. I really don't want to feel obligated to tip the barber, the tattoo artist, the Starbucks barista, and so on 😂
  11. jackL

    Newcomer What is your experience with your internet provider?

    Hello everyone! I'm currently facing issues with my internet provider here in Almagro. I'm on a 300mb plan for $17k, but ever since summer started, I've been experiencing frequent microcuts or even complete outages. What's more frustrating is that they refuse to send a technician, citing it as a...
  12. jackL

    Newcomer Transporting a digital SLR Camera

    Welcome! This concern or fear is a widespread topic in travel, not limited to just BA/Argentina. The "wait and see" approach is also an option. Everyone has different fears, what-ifs, and fantasies, and these vary in intensity. Whether it's a DSLR or other gadgets like an iWatch, iPhone, or...
  13. jackL

    Newcomer Is it safe to use phone in public?

    Welcome, I assume that everyone here possesses common sense. Whether you reside in or visit the vibrant city of Edinburgh, you're likely to encounter tourists engaging in typical tourist activities, capturing moments with photos and selfies. Similar issues are reported across Europe. This...
  14. jackL

    Economy Argentina isn't the affordable option

    Greetings! Indeed, I've dined at Terminal 21, but the food didn't leave a lasting impression on me, although the prices were quite reasonable. More frequently, I opted for meals at Emporium, situated a bit further up Sukhumvit. However, the majority of my meals were sourced from street vendors...