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  1. Lucia

    Trip Reports Finally arrived in Buenos Aires - Trip report

    Hey everyone! Arrived yesterday morning after a challenging overnight flight; the customs process took a bit of time, perhaps around an hour. It's advisable to keep your boarding passes as they're requested, and those who had already disposed of them faced some issues. The Banco de Nacional at...
  2. Lucia

    Politics Omnibus Law: Kirchnerism marks the line of collision, avoids the past and bets on the global control of Peronism - Infobae

    Omnibus Law: Kirchnerism marks the line of collision, avoids the past and bets on the global control of Peronism - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/10/ley-omnibus-el-kirchnerismo-marca-la-linea-de-choque-evita-el-pasado-y-apuesta-al-control-global-del-peronismo/...
  3. Lucia

    Who are the future Expats in Buenos Aires?

    Unless you're earning a steady income in foreign currency, it's becoming more and more of a struggle to settle down here. I am 29, will soon be finishing graduate school, and need to start thinking methodically about practical and financial concerns. I love many things about Argentina, but being...