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  1. GraceH

    Donald Trump Assasination Attempt today - July 13, 2024

    This is a great summary. Thanks @FuturoBA! One of the best I have seen so far.
  2. GraceH

    Newcomer A Large Percentage of Argentinians Want to Be Digital Nomads: A Growing Trend!

    Thank you @Jakoval ! I visited Chiang Mai last year and loved it. There were a few digital nomads but not too many. I dream of going back there.
  3. GraceH

    Visas How complicated is it to obtain residency in Argentina?

    I heard you can vote and or course just get another passport. I’m told Argentina is the best passport in South America after Chile. But I couldn’t find any other benefits.
  4. GraceH

    Politics Elon Musk calls to invest in Argentina after meeting up with Milei in LA

    Yes it sounds like over a billion dollars has already been pledged from various foreign companies that are starting to invest in Argentina. Today I read about Milei getting rid of laws making it more difficult for foreigners to sell real estate there. Sounds like things keep improving for...
  5. GraceH

    Newcomer Have you ever felt discriminated against or treated unfairly just because you're a foreigner or tourist in Buenos Aires?

    My Venezuelan friend also had issues in Chile. She tried Santiago before BA and said it was tough but here no problems at all. I doubt Argentina will have issues at least for a while. I did read some comments on X about a police officer from the USA and some locals commented how they are...
  6. GraceH

    Newcomer In Buenos Aires, homeless people are freezing to death

    But I am l read that there are already homeless shelters. So the resources are out there but some choose not to use them. You can’t blame him for that.
  7. GraceH

    Politics Strong Message from the Archbishop of Buenos Aires Directed at Javier Milei

    It is shocking the amount or people living in poverty in Argentina but it’s been high for a while. The same goes on in the States with a big divide between politicians and people that are struggling. I think the issue in Argentina is that Milei thinks things are better than they really are.
  8. GraceH

    Argentina in the Copa America - Will they go all the way to Champions again?

    What a great game. The best for Argentina so far. Can’t wait for the final on Sunday. https://sports.yahoo.com/live/messi-scores-argentina-brushes-aside-canada-waltzes-into-copa-america-final-233805952.html
  9. GraceH

    Interested to move to Buenos Aires from the US. Is $5k enough to live on?

    That is a fantastic salary to live a great life in Argentina. Most people there even in white collar jobs make less than that.
  10. GraceH

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    Great analysis. I have read many articles but I still don’t understand all the dynamics. I don’t think anyone knows for sure. Even Milei’s people seem surprised by the move.
  11. GraceH

    Real Estate Sales Another micro-neighborhood of Buenos Aires' Palermo - Palermo Freud

    Looks like it is here Thread 'Palermo: It was a fashionable promenade, but since the pandemic, it has fallen into disrepair and a project is underway to give it new life- La Nacion'...
  12. GraceH

    Politics ARC Energy Makes First Bid to Acquire Impsa: What Does It Mean for Argentina?

    Yes either way prices will go way up. No company is going to invest unless they plan to increase prices and make money.
  13. GraceH

    Politics Another bus strike today?

    How long is thr strike expected to last?
  14. GraceH

    The Best & Worst Countries for Living Abroad (Expat survey)

    I happen to love Buenos Aires and Argentina in general but I do agree with some of these negatives people are mentioning. I also have some black friends that came down and they were freaked out there were so few black people here. I asked them if it took away from the experience and they...
  15. GraceH

    Most interesting expat you have ever met ?

    That would be so cool to meet Tommy Lee Jones. He’s such a great actor!
  16. GraceH

    Newcomer Batman in BA?

    I saw this on the news yesterday.
  17. GraceH

    Economy Argentina on track to start corn exports to China in July - We are on the right track

    Well said. I hope Milei doesn’t take the USA side like with Israel and Ukraine and just stays out of the Taiwan dispute.
  18. GraceH

    Argentines are an angry society. Is it just me??

    I haven’t had any issues here and people are friendly to me. I do now and then see people blow up but that’s to be expected under the circumstances.
  19. GraceH

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    I wonder how high it will go?
  20. GraceH

    BA bike guide

    That’s a good attitude. Very true about West Coast. I’ve experienced the same thing. Fortunately it is easy for bikers in California. I’m from Orange County and some are very entitled and even throw cans or bottles at you if they think you’re in their space.