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  1. GraceH

    Argentina Rentista Visa for 2024? What is the minimum income now for retirement visa for Argentina?

    That is great! Very fast. Good news. I’d be curious to hear the situation behind the person applying.
  2. GraceH

    Free food on your birthday in Buenos Aires

    Thanks! I will try it as my birthday is next week. Feliz cumpleaños.
  3. GraceH

    5 Largest Tech Companies in Argentina

    My brother said his company hires all their developers in Argentina. I didn’t realize BA had such a big tech scene. He said they are some of the most talented developers his company outsources.
  4. GraceH

    Wow I like Milei's Picks for Deputies for LLA party!

    Yes. The plastic surgeons here seem great. I was surprised how many females here get it done. My friend said her insurance paid for her new breast implants. Here women don’t seem like they overdo it like in the States.
  5. GraceH

    Newcomer What are some good movies to watch on Netflix to learn Spanish and watch some of the local culture that feature Buenos Aires?

    Thanks for these suggestions! I’m always looking for more good shows.
  6. GraceH

    Buenos Aires wine shops: 10 to visit

    Thanks GlasgowJohn for that info. She sounds like she knows her stuff! I’m going to check out some of these.
  7. GraceH

    Buenos Aires in ‘Parts Unknown’: Anthony Bourdain’s finest moment

    Agree! She had great posts. Looks like her posts are deleted so not sure what happened.
  8. GraceH

    I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right.

    Not sure about another award but I read he is going to Paris in a few weeks to watch the Olympics.
  9. GraceH

    Politics Roadblocks in the Fight Against Human Trafficking: The Rejection of a Crucial Article

    The k you @dai fie sharing the English version. I’ve been following in Spanish. Terrible!
  10. GraceH

    Politics Roadblocks in the Fight Against Human Trafficking: The Rejection of a Crucial Article

    I have been seeing a lot on Twitter about that Loan case. Is human trafficking a big problem in Argentina?
  11. GraceH

    Argentina and Ukraine working on joint weapons? Is this true?

    Is this true? Shocking if so.
  12. GraceH

    I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right.

    Whatever he is doing it seems to be working. He is on the cover of every Spanish newspaper.
  13. GraceH

    Politics Diplomatic crisis with Spain? How does it affect Argentina if the president of Spain withdraws his ambassador?

    I agree with you too @GlasgowJohn. Some trips would be necessary but flying around the world to accept awards every 2 weeks is not a good look when you are laying off 100,000 employees with the claims of no hay plata. One week from Zelensky another week Spain. Just needs to be careful...
  14. GraceH

    Argentina's Security Minister gets first-hand glimpse of “Bukele Model”

    What Bukele has done there is remarkable. Crime is much better. My friend from there tells me it is very safe now. Previously she couldn’t go out at night without fear of getting robbed.
  15. GraceH

    Argentina and Ukraine working on joint weapons? Is this true?

    I agree. Many Russian friends I know are totally against what Russia is doing. Many are leaving Russia as that isn’t a country they want to raise their kids in.
  16. GraceH

    Wow I like Milei's Picks for Deputies for LLA party!

    Is this the Vice President?
  17. GraceH

    Real Estate Sales Families with mortgages complain about the rise in interest rates - El Cronista

    Yes in looking at the new mortgage products in Argentina it seems like these could be risky with inflation adjustment. I guess if Milei improves things it could be more stable but then again they could shift wildly it seems like too.
  18. GraceH

    IMF green lights $800 million for Argentina with program 'firmly on track'

    Is the IMF generally disliked by Argentines? When I talk to people there they speak very negatively about them and blame them for their woes. Seems like people always want to blame someone else for bad decisions. Without the IMF what other option would Argentine have had?
  19. GraceH

    Food & Drink What's your favorite local dish, and where do you get it?

    Someone needs to open a restaurant! I can tell you are a great cook! Thanks for this list. I heard they have amazing food in Salta. I haven’t ventured too much in Argentina besides Iguazú, Mendoza and Bariloche but I want to try traveling more and trying out different types of food.
  20. GraceH

    What is Modo, Argentina's virtual wallet (Discounts at Coto and other stores) - Mercado Pago competitor

    Here is the link to it. https://www.modo.com.ar/