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  1. GraceH

    Milei orders military parades for Independence Day celebrations - I thought No Hay Plata!

    All great points Tony. Many I talk to seem to be very leery of any build up in military as they think that Bulrich will use it in a negative way. But these are also CFK supporters. But several I know that support Milei don’t think spending money on military is a priority now but you make...
  2. GraceH

    First Clinic with a Voucher System.

    I have ended many friendships over the past few years. They can’t separate personal life from politics. I tried but every conversation turned political. A shame
  3. GraceH

    Economy The government claimed that wages are outpacing inflation: it's a joke?

    Inflation is now about 6% a month so aren’t they just saying wages went up by more than that?
  4. GraceH

    No one is going in for flu shots now - Respiratory diseases are surging in Argentina

    That is a great point. It might just be financially motivated right now during tough times.
  5. GraceH

    What is everyone's favorite ice cream store in Buenos Aires?

    I love this place! I will have to try that other one that was in National Geographic. I’ve never heard of it!
  6. GraceH

    Why have there been so many cases of workplace violence lately?

    Probably with the very bad economy people are stressed and on edge. Saw that murder in Recoleta on the news and was shocked.
  7. GraceH

    Banking Great Initiative by Banco Provincia: A New Way to Withdraw Money from ATMs

    I’ve never heard of this bank or seen many branches. Hopefully all these banks improve their technology. Many don’t even work with the newer bills. Several of my expat friends that have DNIs tell me they rarely use their local accounts much.
  8. GraceH

    Banking Credit Card real-world rate "MEP" transaction repo (Dec2023)

    Glad you are ok. Yes WU is very high but all of a sudden my fees they are quoting seem like they also went up.
  9. GraceH

    What is the best Steak to order in Argentine restaurant?

    My friend swears by an instant pot cooker. I will have to try it.
  10. GraceH

    Milei - Time magazine

    It is remarkable what Bukele has done there. I have several friends in El Salvador and they tell me it was very dangerous before but their President totally turned that country around.
  11. GraceH

    Argentina Court Orders Milei to distribute held up food to the poor

    It’s amazing that people don’t put an end to it for so long. If Milei didn’t win it sounds like it would just continue. Hopefully they uncover all the scams. But maybe he will have to allow some. If he doesn’t seem like the type that will allow things once he finds out.
  12. GraceH

    Anyone else started coming to this site because the other site's moderator(s) are very biased?

    Welcome to this forum. That is freaky what they are doing.
  13. GraceH

    Argentina Court Orders Milei to distribute held up food to the poor

    But at this scale wouldn’t the past Presidents and their administrations have to know about it? It seems like impossible for this kind of fraud to go on without knowledge. Is it just kick backs and bribes all the way up? Scary.
  14. GraceH

    Milei - Time magazine

    What a great photo and exposure for Argentina.
  15. GraceH

    Economy In the first quarter, 275,000 salary accounts were closed in banks due to the drop in employment - Infobae

    These numbers are very shocking. Aren’t people worried about all these job losses?
  16. GraceH

    Help! My tourist extension visa was denied today

    True. Same in the States now. We are flooded with illegal immigrants. It is puzzling this past year why the government is allowing so many when most municipalities are already so drained.
  17. GraceH

    Black people in Argentina

    I agree. Not sure what the fascination is lately with Argentina’s racial make up.
  18. GraceH

    Politics Alberto Fernandez has no shame!

    More https://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/la-disputa-entre-el-gobierno-y-los-piqueteros-escala-en-la-justicia-con-denuncias-cruzadas-nid14052024/
  19. GraceH

    Does anyone else find it strange Argentina still thinks they won the Falklands War?

    This is why they are all fighting for the Falklands. Hopefully it doesn’t cause serious conflict. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/13/russian-oil-discovery-british-antarctic-falklands-argentina/
  20. GraceH

    Argentina has highest rice price in the world now - Thank you Milei!

    Maybe because they are expiring soon? Crazy no one was buying them.