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  1. GraceH

    Argentina has highest rice price in the world now - Thank you Milei!

    I see tons of posts online talking about how prices on everything are falling.
  2. GraceH

    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    Agree people all around the world have a chicken little mindset. Although I feel very lucky to have sold off my bitcoin portfolio at $71,000. It hit $58,000 today just a few weeks later.
  3. GraceH

    Taxes Argentina May Issue Bond to Pay $16 Billion Award in YPF Lawsuit - Bloomberg

    AA has been losing tons of money every year right? Doubt they will want that.
  4. GraceH

    Now Argentina want to join NATO as a Global Partner!

    I agree with you. Probably needed the jets eventually but bad timing when Milei is so hung up with rhetoric about sending troops and help. Stay neutral! Yea about Perón. No country needs someone like that.
  5. GraceH

    Newcomer Wenance CEO arrested in Palermo accused of scam who owes $297 million in bad checks - Ponzi scheme still in 2024?

    The number is probably much higher than that. Many people probably haven’t reported it.
  6. GraceH

    Of maids and supermarkets.

    So you locals do pay less than us. 2400 seems low isn’t it? What do you see happening with wages here in Argentina @GlasgowJohn? Don’t they need to go way up?
  7. GraceH

    Tips for my 2 weeks trip to BA - Apartment recommendations

    It is super easy to get Uber to the airport. I have never had any issues. Leave some time for traffic but no problems getting a ride.
  8. GraceH

    Of maids and supermarkets.

    I don’t have a live in. I pay my maid 3500 pesos per hour to clean my apartment. She also will cook meals if I want. I have her come 3 times a week. She also will do my laundry. I sure do miss the supermarkets back home. I buy my own groceries.
  9. GraceH

    Tips for my 2 weeks trip to BA - Apartment recommendations

    Weekends it doesn’t seem like anyone works here! Can be frustrating. Also annoying many places don’t have websites. Many restaurants only use IG or even Facebook. LOL.
  10. GraceH

    What's the world coming to? Can't a guy kiss his girlfriend on live TV? Why do they hate me?

    Call me crazy but it seemed like it was all a show. I could be wrong but Milei throws off gay vibes. Not that there is anything wrong with that…..
  11. GraceH

    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    What are prices there like in Spain on these things?
  12. GraceH

    Western Union

    WU rate is still 1.031 today so not too bad. Fallen a bit but still holding above 1,000.
  13. GraceH

    Tips for my 2 weeks trip to BA - Apartment recommendations

    The mosquitos are terrible this year. They are very bad in BA too. This isn’t normal. BA is even more late night than Uruguay so be prepared. They party all night here.
  14. GraceH

    Who is responsible for the monthly (expensas) on a rental? Landlord or Tenant?

    The difference between the front and the back of the building is remarkable with noise. Sounds echo here in the city. Best to rent on a street that isn’t busy. Many owners want you to pay monthly expenses. Be careful some are going up drastically.
  15. GraceH

    Where do you buy or sell your USD?

    I didn’t know when I moved here about the Cuevas so I was sending to Western Union and getting pesos and then going to buy dollars at the exchange houses but I was losing too much. My Airbnb owner introduced me to her contact and I have been using them. But there is a trust factor involved...
  16. GraceH

    Ordering stuff from abroad

    Just a note that most likely on Grabr no one is going to bring anything big or bulky. I tried to have someone bring me an iMac and I couldn’t get any takers. That is for smaller items.
  17. GraceH

    Real Estate Sales Another micro-neighborhood of Buenos Aires' Palermo - Palermo Freud

    Maids are so crazy cheap here. They are only about $2 USD per hour here. Wish it was like this back home. For these prices you can have a mansion and never clean yourself.
  18. GraceH

    Tips for my 2 weeks trip to BA - Apartment recommendations

    It all depends on how much you will spend. The answer will be different for each person. If you’re going to be here for any length of time you will probably hit WU a few times. $20 worth of ATM isn’t too much. Probably better to bring some cash and put it in the safe and just exchange...