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  1. MDirtBoy

    Typical Rental Rates in Buenos Aires' Neighborhood

    This is from this weekend's La Nacion. Numbers are applicable for Permanent Residents. If you are renting with a Passport as an Expat you can expect to pay more. (this is a selection from a complete table, pg 4, Propiedades & Countries) In Pesos for 3 Rooms Barracas - 1800/2500 Barrio Norte -...
  2. MDirtBoy

    Newcomer Protecting apt from robbery

    My bank (USAA) covers my belongings here in Arg as long as I maintain a residence in the US (parent's house) and renter's insurance there. I got my laptop stolen last year. They direct deposited my $$ the same day I faxed them the police report.
  3. MDirtBoy

    Newcomer Protecting apt from robbery

    I've always had a big dog in my apartment. Trained them to bark only at certain sounds - like the door or window being jimmied. The best insurance I've ever had. If you are a cat person then you might want to get homeowner's insurance.