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  1. B

    Are there many Haitians in Chile?

    I went to a brothel / strip club in Santiago Chile. On San Francisco street in the centre. The front door security was a guy from Haiti. While inside they stole my credit card and maxed it out. Anticipating this I only left like $100 in the card I tried to reason with them because it was...
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    Please help me I. Am very fat ( 118kgs) I have no family. I am an orphan
  3. B

    Extension renewal experience. A warning.

    Mate can you please help me
  4. B

    Newcomer More Provinces Charge Foreigners for Public Hospital Care

    I'm curious what would happen to me in this situation. I had a very bad cold but ignored it and went out drinking all weekend, got highly dehydrated. Then I collapsed from extreme dehydration and fell down some stairs on Cordoba. Smashed my head and blood was pouring out. The police in the...
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    Extension renewal experience. A warning.

    Haha man I don't know if you really blocked me but I agree with you totally on one point if street or small shop sellers aren't displaying a price I will just totally ignore them. Don't know if you will ever read this or not
  6. B

    Visas How complicated is it to obtain residency in Argentina?

    Yeah that's what I thought damn that sucks man. Even if you have a trusted address today who can say it will be trusted in a year or more. People break up, friends drift apart
  7. B

    Visas How complicated is it to obtain residency in Argentina?

    I have a question can you get residency without a permanent mailing address? EG changing apartment every month renting Airbnb's ? Ive heard you need to wait months for mail while applying so do you basically need a long term apartment contract to have any hope ?
  8. B

    How much does a retail employee earn in July 2024 in Buenos Aires?

    I wonder if there's any USA expats doing a job like that. Imagine someone who wants to live here, already has savings and apartment paid off. They aren't interested in working online. So they get a job McDonalds for something to do Or if someone spoke 80 percent Spanish and wanted to get...
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    Extension renewal experience. A warning.

    Honestly I have to say yes. If a native poor Argentine can scam you to make a little extra money while still charging you ok less than 20 percent what you would pay anywhere else in the world ... I congratulate them. I applaud them. I wish them the best
  10. B

    Extension renewal experience. A warning.

    I mean ... The guy just paid $15 for two visa renewals. Any other country in the world it would be $200 minimum If this is the worst 'scam' that happens to you in Argentina I think you will be all right. Probably no need to be me making reports lmao
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    Newcomer Have you ever felt discriminated against or treated unfairly just because you're a foreigner or tourist in Buenos Aires?

    I knew a lot of lower middle class Porteños from San Telmo 15 years ago who couldn't afford to live there anymore on regular salaries and had to do side hussles like tango classes, Spanish classes, sublets, "special arrangement" with landlord. 15 years later no amount of side hussles can save...
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    AFIP and IRS to share financial information with one another starting September 30, 2024

    Will they start taxing Cristina on her stolen Manhatten real estate empire
  13. B

    Newcomer Have you ever felt discriminated against or treated unfairly just because you're a foreigner or tourist in Buenos Aires?

    Absolutely there is anti tourist graffiti in San Telmo. Anger because a traditional porteño barrio is becoming too expensive for locals due to Airbnb and foreigners. I spend a bit of time there and you can feel the tensions which will only get worse if the economy doesn't improve San Telmo...
  14. B

    Extension renewal experience. A warning.

    Wow that's pretty amazing, under $15 to renew your visa I imagine would be the cheapest of any country in the world. The fact the people working there don't even know the price and can seemingly make up anything they want shows how unprofessional it all is. All the fear mongering posts about...
  15. B

    Extension renewal experience. A warning.

    4000 pesos to extend your visa ? Like $2.80 ? That seems kinda insane. I haven't had to extend for many years but I know it used to be at least $50 USD. Chile was like $100 last time I was there. I imagine anything visa related for an Argentine in the USA costs a fortune
  16. B

    Most interesting expat you have ever met ?

    Do AA meetings exist in BA ?
  17. B

    Most interesting expat you have ever met ?

    We all know digital nomads but have you ever met an expat in BA for some interesting reason? Any stories to tell? My one story would be an American I met here. He was gay and from an extremely wealthy but conservative and bigoted family. His family basically told him we will give you...
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    Is it weird you never hear about expats being robbed leaving Western Union

    Very true one of the first things I was told by local friends literally my first day here wss never ever report anything to the police so maybe it happens more than we know
  19. B

    Is it weird you never hear about expats being robbed leaving Western Union

    The 'Chorros' here will seemingly take any risks to brazenly rob people of their second hand android phones, even in broad daylight. Meanwhile you have a steady stream of tourists pouring out of WU with enormous stacks of cash. Everytime I leave WU I'm expecting someone to stick a pistol in my...
  20. B

    Anyone got any overstay "horror stories" ?

    I don't care if they are true or not. I don't care if it's a rumour your best friends' dog's wife cousin told you "Hit me with your best shot" as the song says. What is the longest overstay you have ever heard of and what were the consequences? Ever met someone who overstayed 5 years ? Did...