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  1. B

    Foreign travelers keep pouring into Brazil and skipping Argentina

    Yeah I've heard that too Buenos Aires had practically zero tourism in the 90s. It would be interesting if someone who knows for sure weighed in I would love so much to have been here in the 90s. I've seen a lot of clips on YouTube of life here then. The people had a much stronger accent with...
  2. B

    Wow I like Milei's Picks for Deputies for LLA party!

    I forgot to mention the other 3 I've never heard of before so who knows
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    Wow I like Milei's Picks for Deputies for LLA party!

    I met the woman second from top at a conference this year and can confirm she is 100 percent real K hater
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    China overlooks Milei’s rhetoric, hands Argentina US$5 billion lifeline

    God I have so many questions for you. Why do bad things happen to good people ? And more infuriating why do good things happen to bad people ?
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    China overlooks Milei’s rhetoric, hands Argentina US$5 billion lifeline

    Why would this teach Milei to watch his rhetoric? Seems more likely to teach him he can say what he wants about China and they will still deal with him. Asian cultures respect strength above all else
  6. B

    How do you buy credit or "saldo" for a pre paid cell phone ?

    I can't be sure I just know I paid for 3k pesos and when I checked my account later the balance was 1k. Not enough to renew my plan. Maybe it was an honest mistake.
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    ‘The gangs never used to kill children, now they do’: how cocaine created Argentina’s first narcocity

    Bullrich has been a disappointment I thought she was going to declare war on the thugs and chorros but she has been pretty soft. Some people say it's a tactic to let the leftists show everyone how sick and violent they really are while Milei consolidates power. Hopefully she will go harder soon
  8. B

    How do you buy credit or "saldo" for a pre paid cell phone ?

    Update for anyone who cares, I returned and paid another 2k pesos to renew my plan. Honestly if someone is that desperate to steal 2k pesos (like $1.80?) they can keep it
  9. B

    Newcomer Paul McCartney in Buenos Aires

    Haha haha ha last time he was here it was promoted as the last show ever my god k
  10. B

    How do you buy credit or "saldo" for a pre paid cell phone ?

    Yes I got a receipt but stupidly I threw it in the trash be without looking at it because I've been doing this for months and never had a problem before With your monthly plan did you need a DNI to get it ??
  11. B

    How do you buy credit or "saldo" for a pre paid cell phone ?

    I have a pre paid plan with Movistar, every month I pay 3k pesos and get another month and a few gigas. I need to load the "saldo" into the Movistar app then pay. It won't let me put credit in with a foreign card and no DNI. I went to about 15 kioskos and all said they don't do it. Finally I...
  12. B

    Milei orders military parades for Independence Day celebrations - I thought No Hay Plata!

    Great move. The destruction of national pride so that everyone feels like a stateless "world citizen" to be controlled and dominated by evil organisations like the IMF and WHO is one of the main tactics of the leftist zurdos. Time to push back And I have no problem criticising Milei. I've said...
  13. B

    Argentina and Ukraine working on joint weapons? Is this true?

    Very bad news it makes Argentina a target if things go nuclear. I was thinking we'd be safe down here at the bottom of the world then get to experience the post nuclear war apocalypse
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    Anyone else started coming to this site because the other site's moderator(s) are very biased?

    Don't worry I think Milei is fantastic but I still like you
  15. B

    Tourism in Argentina

    I am posting this so forum members can discuss the facts about tourism declining in Argentina. In a city Barloche where I lived 8 years the worst crisis since 1990. We all want Argentina to be the premier tourist destination in the world but Milei is making it unaffordable. If this is not...
  16. B

    Help! My tourist extension visa was denied today

    The rule has not changed for 25 years. They can not extend your visa at migrations if it means you will go over 180 days in the past 365. You would have got the same result if you tried this in 2015 or 2005. Nothing to do with Milei or any new laws.