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  1. Argentina Expat

    Newcomer A Serb in Buenos Aires

    Regarding lawyer, I'll keep you updated but nothing is going to change for me for at least 1 more year, so we'll see hah. And thanks Jenn!
  2. Argentina Expat

    Newcomer Mosquito invasion in BA

    So apparently the government lifted the import taxes for mosquito repellents (just for 30 days though), but it should help to bring more products in and lower the prices for a while. Better stock up though hah :)
  3. Argentina Expat

    A newsletter for expats in Buenos Aires

    So far no, the posts are just published versions of emails I send
  4. Argentina Expat

    A newsletter for expats in Buenos Aires

    Hey @Wally , sure thing, this is the homepage: https://www.buenosguide.com/ you can check it out and see what it looks like before deciding if you want to subscribe :)
  5. Argentina Expat

    A newsletter for expats in Buenos Aires

    Appreciate it!
  6. Argentina Expat

    A newsletter for expats in Buenos Aires

    Approved by @earlyretirement Hey guys, Just thought I'd share this. If you're like me, you want to hear all about the events, news, and other interesting resources for expats. But going to a dozen Instagram pages, forums, Facebook groups, and other sites can be a hassle. That's why I...
  7. Argentina Expat

    Newcomer A Serb in Buenos Aires

    yup it's Rubilar :) and sure, I'll keep you updated!
  8. Argentina Expat

    Newcomer A Serb in Buenos Aires

    For sure! I'm only leaving to go to Serbia in September for a wedding (I'm the best man hah), but other than that I'm in Buenos Aires todo tiempo. I'll take you up on that empanada :)
  9. Argentina Expat

    Newcomer A Serb in Buenos Aires

    I'm going with a lawyer that specializes in that - going in front of a judge and then courts deciding if I should be a citizen or not. I started the process in January last year (visited BA for the first time then) and it's 30 months from that point (with the majority of my time being spent in...
  10. Argentina Expat

    Newcomer A Serb in Buenos Aires

    Thanks for the warm welcome!
  11. Argentina Expat

    Newcomer A Serb in Buenos Aires

    Hey guys! Thought I'd introduce myself. I'm from Serbia, and I moved here in October 2023. I love this city - the food, the people, the walkability - for me it's one of the top cities in the world. I'm in the process of getting Argentinian citizenship (next year - toco madero), and until...