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  1. Russell

    Politics Having single-digit inflation is a good start

    Milei is doing things right, but it’s true that many people are finding it very difficult to cope with the situation. However, most say they are still making the effort because they have faith that things will get better. Prices have increased exorbitantly, and you’re right in saying that many...
  2. Russell

    Politics Milei meets with the most important figures in the technology sector

    In Argentina, iPhones are unaffordable. I have a friend who might go to Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, during the next long weekend to buy electronics. According to him, iPhones are much cheaper there than here. He told me to check out this page to get an idea of some prices...
  3. Russell

    Newcomer Solo Female Traveler

    I would avoid the groundfloor unit. Recoleta is a beautiful area and the higher apartment will most likely more quiet.
  4. Russell

    Newcomer WTF is the deal with Pedestrians not having the right of way in Buenos Aires. I almost got killed today at a green light

    How horrible for this young woman's family. The courts ruled foul play was not involved but my wife who formally worked in Argentina said never to trust the police in Argentina.
  5. Russell

    Newcomer Argentine rules regarding receival of foreign pension

    Thank you to everyone who took the time to answer. I am stuck in a bit of a dilemma. I don't have a DNI or permanent residency. I did get a CDI tax ID number. I can't seem to open a bank account without having a DNI #. @Scottishgaucho can I ask who you opened a bank account with? Did you...
  6. Russell

    Politics The Senate confirmed its authorities and Kirchnerism attacked Villarruel for the DNU - Infobae

    The Senate confirmed its authorities and Kirchnerism attacked Villarruel for the DNU - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/23/el-senado-eligio-a-sus-autoridades-y-el-kirchnerismo-prepara-fuertes-criticas-a-victoria-villarruel/ February 23, 2024 The Upper House voted...
  7. Russell

    Politics The CGT threatens a strike for the minimum, vital and mobile wage - Infobae

    The CGT threatens a strike for the minimum, vital and mobile wage - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/19/la-cgt-amenaza-con-un-paro-por-el-salario-minimo-vital-y-movil/ February 19, 2024 “The president speaks with ignorance of the law,” said the Secretary of Press...
  8. Russell

    Politics Kirchnerism redoubles the offensive in the Senate to reject the DNU, but Villarruel resists - Infobae

    Kirchnerism redoubles the offensive in the Senate to reject the DNU, but Villarruel resists - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/14/el-kirchnerismo-redobla-la-ofensiva-en-el-senado-para-rechazar-el-dnu-pero-villarruel-resiste/ February 14, 2024 The K senators are...
  9. Russell

    Politics The Government unified the former ministries of Environment and Tourism and Sports into a single secretariat - Infobae

    The Government unified the former ministries of Environment and Tourism and Sports into a single secretariat - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/09/el-gobierno-unifico-en-una-sola-secretaria-los-ex-ministerios-de-ambiente-y-de-turismo-y-deportes/ January 09, 2024...
  10. Russell

    Newcomer Conversion rate in BA hotels

    Currently, I believe the real exchange rate is around 1000. Arbitrage opportunities wouldn't be significant among the various parallel rates if they are freely determined by market forces. In my view, the devaluation of the peso isn't primarily due to the announcement of an official exchange...
  11. Russell

    Newcomer Conversion rate in BA hotels

    Also...It's important to emphasize that the official, blue dollar, and real exchange rates impact more than just tourism or the spending of tourists in Argentina. The majority of currency exchanges are driven by trade activities, including both imports and exports. Despite the official rate...
  12. Russell

    Newcomer Conversion rate in BA hotels

    Your understanding is correct. The blue dollar rate reflects the real exchange rate in the free markets, and it's not arbitrage. The official rate, set by the government, is what's considered artificial in this context. Arbitrage would typically involve taking advantage of price differences...
  13. Russell

    Newcomer Conversion rate in BA hotels

    @matr28 Certainly, here's a paraphrased version of your text: I've never been to Argentina before, but I've lived in other Latin American countries for a couple of years. I'm planning to visit Argentina in three weeks and stay for a couple of months. Based on information from forums like this...
  14. Russell

    Newcomer Conversion rate in BA hotels

    @Jazmin I appreciate the clarification, and I understand your concerns more clearly now. The point you're emphasizing is the sudden and significant increase in hotel prices due to changes in the official exchange rate, which doesn't align proportionally with the inflation affecting other...
  15. Russell

    Newcomer Conversion rate in BA hotels

    @Tessa haha its funny and I agree @matr28 Your point about applying the strategy of basing prices on stable currencies, like USD or EUR, is valid not only for goods and services but also for wages. Merchants, including businesses employing labor, often opt for stability by pricing in a more...
  16. Russell

    Newcomer Conversion rate in BA hotels

    @Jazmin @Tessa Certainly, let's break down the economic scenario you've presented: If a hotel sets the price at 100 USD per night, and previously people were paying 350,000 Argentine pesos per night at the official rate, a sudden increase to 800,000 Argentine pesos without a corresponding...
  17. Russell

    Newcomer Conversion rate in BA hotels

    @Tessa I appreciate your clarification. I acknowledge that practices may vary among hotels in Argentina. Some establishments might indeed set prices in Argentine pesos and accept payments in pesos, while others may opt for pricing in USD and accept payments based on the blue dollar rate. There...
  18. Russell

    Newcomer Conversion rate in BA hotels

    I believe the main point being raised is whether the potential increase in prices, especially in USD, would benefit the people of Argentina who stay in these hotels. @BASally y, can you confirm that most hotels set their rates in USD for all guests, not just for foreigners? This seems...
  19. Russell

    Newcomer Conversion rate in BA hotels

    So, what does this imply? Will it become more affordable for travelers or more expensive? I presume it doesn't indicate an increase in the money supply; rather, it suggests that fewer hotels will seek to profit from currency exchanges. For instance, if a hotel costs 200,000 ARS at an official...
  20. Russell

    Newcomer Argentine rules regarding receival of foreign pension

    Hello, I'm currently weighing my options for the next phase of my life at 62 years old. I'm contemplating between emigrating to Argentina, retiring early and living off my pension, or adopting a lifestyle of moving between the European Economic Community (EEC) country where I currently reside...