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  1. bwyonsea

    Travel Quarantine enforcement in Jujuy

    We do not have a military code. Even militars are under the criminal code, this is a democracy. The legal vocabulary he used is regarding martial law. You cannot enforce a military criminal Code to civilians, so, he use the criminal Code plus the emergency DNU. To do not be able to leave your...
  2. bwyonsea

    Travel Quarantine enforcement in Jujuy

    The Presidential decree is a martial law.
  3. bwyonsea

    Visas Re-entering as a tourist after Temporary Residence

    The website try to describe the citizenship application but the use the word nationality that in our legal system means permanent residency which requirements are completely different. So, please do not quote official websites of the Executive Power because Citizenship is granted by the Federal...
  4. bwyonsea

    Visas Re-entering as a tourist after Temporary Residence

    Please do not quote Bs. Nationality is the permanent residency, they try to mean citizenship.
  5. bwyonsea

    Visas Re-entering as a tourist after Temporary Residence

    DNI expired every 10 years more or less. What is going to be expired is the “working permit”. Citizenship is possible but not for amateurs nowadays. The best to re enter is to do it from Uruguay.
  6. bwyonsea

    Newcomer Argentina Me Too Movement

    Absolutelly no. This is the Spanish Saint Inquisition.
  7. bwyonsea

    Real Estate News When will property be cheap in Buenos Aires?

    Uruguay and Paraguay, Recoleta. 2nd floor. 100 mts2. Central heating. 70 years old needing renovation (new) kitchen and bathrooms.
  8. bwyonsea

    Real Estate News When will property be cheap in Buenos Aires?

    There is a bubble for sure. I did assess the department Where I live and my real estate agent said it cost 175.000 while the owner wants 350.000, exatly double.
  9. bwyonsea

    Real Estate News When will property be cheap in Buenos Aires?

    Now the market sucks. The apartment where I live cost 175 K. The one in the upper floor is for sale and they ask 300 K. So, even a 20% off is too expensive.
  10. bwyonsea

    Real Estate News When will property be cheap in Buenos Aires?

    In 2002 crisis you were able to buy real estate with over 50% off.
  11. bwyonsea

    Economy Hello Recession, Goodbye Inflation

    Well, prices went down in every crash.
  12. bwyonsea

    Travel The new airlines

    Yes. Lapa had issues regarding one pilot who was not in conditions to fly, who was rejected at the semestral test, they falsified the licence and he crashed the plane making the same mistakes as in the simulator But this new companies are having mechanical problems, this is far too much.
  13. bwyonsea

    Travel The new airlines

    I have experience working the Lapa air crash (69 deaths) criminal case and I can tell you that they were a lot more serious than this new airlines.
  14. bwyonsea

    Apartment Rental Change in Codigo Civil - 3 Months Maximum Rental Term and Commission Paid by Owner

    Well, the tenant can refuse to leave and you cannot enforce an eviction and he can stay there for 2 years paying in pesos according to market prices in pesos and he can deposit in a bank account assigned to the Court meanwhile if you resuse to accept it. FYI.
  15. bwyonsea

    Apartment Rental Change in Codigo Civil - 3 Months Maximum Rental Term and Commission Paid by Owner

    Wrong. Tenants now do not have to pay. They also created insurances for renting like Finaer. It was a law, not the CC. The law forbidds to do temporary rental contracts so long, however, you can also kill people and that is Ok unless you are discovered ;).
  16. bwyonsea

    Politics In the midst of a Crisis Macri picks up daughter from school in a helicopter

    It is immoral to use the helicoter for that when people has no food because he is cutting the budget...
  17. bwyonsea

    Economy IMF halts 3 billion bailout tranche from Argentina

    In that case, my apologize.
  18. bwyonsea

    Economy IMF halts 3 billion bailout tranche from Argentina

    Former K suporter? Is that some kind of insult? In fact for Ks I’m a gorila who was prosecuting ulta K judges. I see my self as an anti M while I think that CFK is the lesser evil, something reallitybshown to be true. I hace to disagree again with you. I have seen many times complains about...
  19. bwyonsea

    Newcomer Who buys up all these expensive properties?

    Not at BA Province.