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  1. Cheap Bastard

    Politics Protests erupt in Argentina against President Javier Milei’s economic shock decree - Argentina Reports

    Hey, so there's this new law called the fire law, and it's kind of a big deal. Maximo and the Kirchner crew are really into it, but not everyone agrees. People were talking a ton about it, and if you're curious, you should totally look it up to get the lowdown on all the drama. I remember this...
  2. Cheap Bastard

    Banking Beware of the Fee Free ATM at Defensa and Independencia - Has a Skimmer on it to Steal PIN!

    Glad you warned about this. I was going to go and use it. I like FREE! I find it a total rip off that I can't withdraw much money and the banks are all charging a lot of money each time I take out $30 USD!
  3. Cheap Bastard

    How much should I be tipping at restaurants? What is the tipping etiquette in Buenos Aires or Argentina?

    Workers should totally get fair pay right from the start, you know? Depending on tips just to survive doesn't seem cool. Like, if a job can't pay decently without tips, is it even a real job? Some jobs pay more, some less, but we shouldn't have to feel guilty about not tipping, especially when...
  4. Cheap Bastard

    How much should I be tipping at restaurants? What is the tipping etiquette in Buenos Aires or Argentina?

    I went to eat sushi last night with my wife. Our bill came to 58,000 pesos. My wife wanted to leave 6,000 pesos as a tip as she heard the local custom is at least 10%. We didn't eat too much. A couple of rolls of sushi, some drinks, an appetizer and we argued for a good 15 minutes how much...