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  1. I

    Newcomer Recoleta . Zona Liberada - Entraderas

    Hey Early Retirement I´ve been coming to BsAs on and off since I was 2 years old, but I´ve only really been able to go around on my own since I was 15. (c) between three years ago and now, it has been pretty much the same IMO. People rob you, all the time, very efficiently. It´s worse if you...
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    Newcomer Recoleta . Zona Liberada - Entraderas

    Say what you want. Like you said, if ¨this is how you comfort yourself.¨
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    Newcomer Recoleta . Zona Liberada - Entraderas

    I didn´t say my opinion is more valid, I said it´s different. Please do not start an argument because you are unable to understand what I am saying, or because you are offended that I singled you out. It´s different because you cannot view me solely as an EXPAT or as a LOCAL. Whereas YOU are an...
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    Newcomer Recoleta . Zona Liberada - Entraderas

    This is what I read directly before writing what I wrote. And yes, I may have gotten off topic, but so did other people, including those who chose to argue with me or disrespect me, like you for example. ¨is this how you comfort yourself.¨ I just don´t get why people jump on the...
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    Newcomer Recoleta . Zona Liberada - Entraderas

    @earlyretirement, Don't encourage the promotion of hearsay over facts. The statistics are valid. The USA is the most violent nation on the planet. Per capita, there are a myriad of American cities more violent than BA. There is simply no empirical evidence to substantiate the underreporting of...
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    Newcomer Recoleta . Zona Liberada - Entraderas

    @TrevorOD Look...it's not that I don't understand what your saying. It has some truth to it. But if you think the average person in Chicago trusts his local police officer, any more than they do in BA, then you have got to walk at least a block or two away from the Gold Coast. I know entire...
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    Newcomer Recoleta . Zona Liberada - Entraderas

    @TrevorOD And I respect your right to "feel" however it makes you feel "comfortable". However, could you tell me, please, how statistically if I get shot in the face by a gang member that is any different than if I get shot in the face by a white-collar suburban crackhead, who is a having a bad...
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    Newcomer Recoleta . Zona Liberada - Entraderas

    And I am equally tired of those that ignore statistically accurate fact: http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/il/chicago/crime/#data Chicago Annual Crimes (2011) VIOLENT PROPERTY TOTAL 28,415 120,616 149,031 annual crimes per 1,000 residents 10.54 44.75 55.29 That, my friends, breaks down to...
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    Politics HUGE Protest Tonight 7 PM! Corrientes/Pueyrredon & Santa Fe/Callao.

    I eagerly watched on as my Argie fiance banged on her pots and pans, but opted to stay out of the protest (although I agree with it wholeheartedly). It just wasn't my place as a US citizen. It's a shame that the producers are being oppressed in this country. Producers build countries, not the...
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    Apartment Rental The End of Closed Neighborhoods?

    Hmm. Upper class folk will be required to hire more security. More money will be spent on that. Less money on businesses. No expansion of businesses or rather contraction...no more jobs. People getting laid off. More poverty, more crime. Great! The cycle continues. I'm increasingly getting sick...
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    Banking Opening a USA bank account in Buenos Aires

    Yep, you'll need a US address, but you can get one at usaboxdotcom. I used them for about a year when I first moved to BA and they're reliable. You get a US address and they'll forward your mail here. Just be aware that if they forward anything other than documents, Argentine customs will...
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    Economy Economic Storm Clouds Brewing for Argentina?

    I'd disagree that small businesses are not impacted. Just here we 've seen restaurants, bars and even a candy store harassed and closed. Id never buy property or heavynequipment. I do agree there are a few businesses that stay under the radar doing wel here, but as someone who owns one of those...