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  1. K

    Newcomer Slow Internet

    How slow is 'terribly slow,' measured in Mbps? Have you tried to complain to Personal about it? A friend of mine missed a payment once, and they limited his internet speed without notifying him. Also check out this thread https://baexpats.org/threads/best-internet-service-provider-in-caba.45612/
  2. K

    Banking transering $ abroad from apt sale

    I am in the middle of a sell right now. I can tell that AFIP wants to know in details how you got the money in to Argentina. If you brought cash yourself, you need to show passports or get a transcription at emigrations. The only white way in is with Banco Nacion. Another thing to think of...
  3. K

    Newcomer "Insecurity is just a perception"

    Early retirement wrote: "That's correct about them stealing the electricity. I don't have much experience in this other than the case of the building my friend bought. But they had tapped in illegally to get electricity and I think they were stealing some from their neighbors as well." Bottom...