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  1. C

    Banking Bank accounts reported to AFIP

    Hello! I posted this in the WU thread, but as it's important, I guess it warrants it's own thread. I'm sharing this information out of good will to help fellow expats, as it seems not a lot of people know about this. I am not an expert so please no one attack me for posting this. It's really...
  2. C

    Food & Drink My prices are out of control whine.

    If you are suggesting to us that the quality of life is better in the US because one may visit an industrial super-sized super-market to buy industrial chemical-infested fruits and vegetables and corn syrup infused processed food product to consume in one's home then, frankly, I'll pass on your...
  3. C

    Economy Capital Flight Fell to $1.61B in Q1

    Has been going on for like 4 years
  4. C

    Economy Capital Flight Fell to $1.61B in Q1

    Took you about 4 years to realize though
  5. C

    Economy Capital Flight Fell to $1.61B in Q1

    Surely, must be the same one who calculates the growth figures of Argentina