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  1. S

    Travel Traveling to Buenos Aires

    After the covid situation ends and Argentina allows travelers back. I plan on moving to Argentina for an extended stay. My question: what is the penalty for brining more than $10,000 US dollars into the country if I declare it. Other than being robbed, will Argentina tax me on the money, make me...
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    Newcomer Getting through the border with 2 big bags

    We arrived 2,5 weeks ago (fam of 4 with 2 young kids) with 6 large bags/suitcase (22.5 kg each), 6 pieces of hand luggage. All included toys, shoes (one full bag) laptop, iPad, Samsung and Nokia phone, iPhone and so on. Nothing checked, so I would say no worries. Use the search function to find...
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    Apartment Rental Apt. Rental in Pesos...?? Light Blue Rate..??

    No, you should not accept that. Each side should abide by the terms of the original agreement. If the landlord did not think that was fair, well she should not have agreed to it... ESPECIALLY if you have it in writing, no way I would let someone go back after the fact and change a signed agreement.
  4. S

    Banking Peso blue rate is 40% above bank rate

    Just read this: http://en.mercopress.com/2012/07/17...-argentina-the-greenback-traded-at-6.31-pesos "However in spite of the clamp and attempts to catch every possible dollar, Argentines managed to exit 131 million dollars during the last week." It amazes me that with all the controls they...
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    Newcomer ATM in Uruguay for dollars

    Just to be clear, this was an account where the cash withdrawals were peanuts relative to the total account balance. The clear implication for the reason that the account was closed was large cash withdrawals that, I guess, looked to them like structuring. These were ATM withdrawals that did...
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    Newcomer ATM in Uruguay for dollars

    Personal experience. I withdrew a fair amount of money by asking to have the ATM daily limit increased for single days over the space of a couple weeks, and withdrew dollars in Uruguay. I promptly received a letter from Chuck to say "we're closing your account" due to "a business decision". I...
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    Newcomer ATM in Uruguay for dollars

    Be very careful with Schwab. Repeated large US dollar withdrawals in Uruguay will run a very high risk of getting your account closed by their compliance department.