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  1. Ant

    Newcomer Is there a Tienda Leon bus service between EZE Airport and Aeroparque?

    Welcome! Depending on how much luggage you've got, you might just want to go for a taxi. Door-to-door service, no fuss, no questions asked. It's just easier. Oh, and I think there's some shuttle service between the airports, but it's not with Tienda...
  2. Ant

    Newcomer Where can I found cultural events such as theater performances, music concerts, and museum exhibits in Buenos Aires?

    In this website you can find all the theater performances that are being presented in Buenos Aires: https://www.atrapalo.com.ar/entradas/home_en-buenos-aires_1030/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAlcyuBhBnEiwAOGZ2S0Wfe2qPmlZgR1jFTNrcx9BURLz79Ah2j_3IxHcXJl_4D4nKV_xeCBoCCZMQAvD_BwE
  3. Ant

    Rates and referrals to personal trainers in Buenos Aires?

    I just arrived to Buenos Aires and I plan to stay for a while. I'm not sure how long yet but I am really digging this city! I am staying in Palermo Soho. Does anyone know what a personal trainer here costs? If anyone has any referrals to English speaking personal trainers. I can go around to...
  4. Ant

    Upcoming events and things to do in Buenos Aires

    Is there any other websites to see about things going on? I see some signs on some streets posting about musicals, theatre events and movies. Is there a website for those type of things? I didn't see them on the link above which was also very helpful. I found this website below which lists...
  5. Ant

    Newcomer what about the riots in BA?

    I've come across news about riots in Buenos Aires, but there's no mention of it on the forum. Is this not a worry for tourists? We'll be there next weekend and are hoping it won't be an issue. Thanks.