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  1. S

    What place has the best medialunas in Buenos Aires?

    Try the bakery at Anchoita Panaderia. Also very good. Try with ham and cheese. Delicious! Also, make sure to try their Pistachio ice cream! Heaven on earth. https://maps.app.goo.gl/wuDTEcPv5Jgz1DNKA
  2. S

    What happens if Argentina gets too expensive? What are alternative cities/countries to move to when it's overpriced in Argentina?

    I will have to check it out! Yes my complain about Argentine food is it's very bland. It doesn't have much seasoning at all besides salt.
  3. S

    Milei - Time magazine

    I was just looking at one of that guy's on X.
  4. S

    Politics Tomorrow, May 9th, the country will come to a standstill - National strike

    Those that want to work are working. Fortunately it seems like most people in Argentina want to get on with life and move on.
  5. S

    Question to local members

    Lurker since October but signed up just recently. I did the sharing of info by locals as well as expats. I stop by to gauge the temperature on some things. Everyone mostly seems nice to one another and civil. The occasional talk about communists, etc. but not too bad.
  6. S

    Conan O'brien Must Go -- Argentina

    Conan is a has been. I thought he died. Before you mentioned this I thought he died in a drug overdose.
  7. S

    Newcomer Argentine Citizenship for parents by giving birth to child inside Argentina - Legal advice needed?

    It seems incredible to me people talk so opening about having anchor babies here. But I guess Argentina truly doesn't care.
  8. S

    Real Estate Sales Purchase and sale of real estate: The COTI amounts that the owner must process before selling his house were updated - La Nacion Propiedades

    Even with this I tried to buy a new property last week and the owner only wanted to declare 50% of the real price. I said there was no way I could do this but how would he even be able to get away with this with something like this in place???
  9. S

    Real Estate Sales Real estate paradox: Why in some neighborhoods it is cheaper to buy an already built property than to pay for it from the well - Infobae

    Thew new construction doesn't seem as well built as the older buildings but all the bathrooms and kitchens are horrible. I would hate to do that work.
  10. S

    Any of you recommend any opportunities to volunteer in soup kitchens or churches in Buenos Aires?

    I am trying to practice my Spanish and also do good at the same time. I heard they could use help with some soup kitchens. These days I probably could donate a little bit of money but more so my time. I thought I could kill two birds with one stone and volunteer and also practice my Spanish...
  11. S

    Food & Drink Does anyone else notice their coffee recently not tasting good?

    I tried this brand as I read on here but I don't like the taste of it. Coffee prices here are so crazy expensive for really bitter and bad tasting coffee. Hard to believe the locals like this stuff. I always say Starbucks in the USA is crap but ironically here I actually think it is not bad...
  12. S

    Is the Expat party in Buenos Aires coming to an end?

    Agreed. I could never just move to somewhere that is only cheap but I didn't like the people or city. Some people are always chasing the cheapest place. BA is still affordable compared to comparable nice major cities. At least to me anyway. Not the bargain it was before. Far from it but I...
  13. S

    Inflation index on long-term rental apartment rental contracts in Buenos Aires?

    Same. I was laughing the other day as I loaded up at pesos at 1,200 pesos a few months ago. That stash just ran out but had I known, I would have purchased several more thousands of dollars in pesos. I wish I knew which way it would go.
  14. S

    Who is responsible for the monthly (expensas) on a rental? Landlord or Tenant?

    @Oatmeal it looks like the guy that created Nordelta is creating many gated communities all over Argentina. It sounds like everyone was waiting for someone like President Milei to starting investing in Argentina...
  15. S

    Be careful guys.....

    The passport bros only have themselves to blame for this. I have been going to Colombia for many years and the scene has changed there over the past few years. Loud, obnoxious Americans were going down and also filming and posting streams online. Something had to change there. Hopefully these...
  16. S

    Economy The Government wants the bus, train and subway to be paid with debit cards, credit cards and even with QR - Infobae

    This would be so nice. What I don't like is the government's need for me to register with my personal information. This feels like an invasion of privacy to me.
  17. S

    Real Estate Sales Another micro-neighborhood of Buenos Aires' Palermo - Palermo Freud

    I pay my maid 3,000 pesos per hour. I was paying her 2,000 last year but decided to bump it up as the cost of everything has gone up for her. It is actually not that easy to find a dependable maid here.
  18. S

    Who is responsible for the monthly (expensas) on a rental? Landlord or Tenant?

    This is correct. I had a tenant for my apartment on a long 2 year lease and he tried to buy a policy but they wouldn't sell him one as he had no local income declared. What I ended up doing was taking pre-payment on the lease for one year. The tenant was thankful that he could wire to my...
  19. S

    Are extra charges on the restaurant bill normal or a scam?

    Oh my. I can't believe you made such a scene for a small amount of money. When in a foreign country know the norms and customs of the locals. It's a good way to cause problems for yourself if you don't know them.