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    Venezuela Election - Will Maduro finally be pushed out of power in Venezuela?

    Her comments were not well received by Maduro’s inner circle. Diosdado Cabello, the number two of the Venezuelan dictator, implicitly targeted the former president, saying, “They betrayed the legacy of (Néstor) Kirchner, Perón, and their own people.”...
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    Milei’s Austerity Plan Pushes Argentina Into Recession in First Quarter

    It’s great news that the government has made these changes for getting a job in the public sector! Under the previous administration, there was no real control over how public employees were hired. Now, with the new “knowledge and skills” test, only genuinely qualified people will get these...
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    Argentina ranked as the #1 most miserable country in the world.

    In the midst of an economic crisis, opinions on the situation vary depending on who you ask. While the agricultural sector sees signs of improvement, SMEs face serious challenges and accuse the government of harming the national industry. Not to mention the middle class, which has been hit...